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Resources for working with the PMHC MDS

The following resources have been provided to explain the purpose of the PMHC MDS, to describe all data collected and file formats required to upload the data.

1. Overview of purpose, design, scope and key decision issues

The overview paper outlines the approach taken in the design of the PMHC MDS and associated reporting arrangements.

2. Specifications

The documentation website defines what data items are collected in the PMHC MDS, what file formats are accepted for upload and associated reporting requirements.

3. Ongoing questions and answers

The ongoing questions and answers document provides the Department’s responses to issues raised by PHNs about the PMHC MDS. It will be updated regularly as new issues are raised by PMHC MDS users.

The guidance on client consent (April 2024) provides suggested wording that PHNs may wish to include in client consent forms provided to referrers and providers to obtain consent from their clients for anonymised data to be supplied to the PHN and the Department of Health for statistical purposes in planning and improving mental health services.

5. Outcome measures and scoring rules

The following documents provide examples of each of the outcome measures and an explanation of how they are scored.

6. Service Provider Quick Reference Guide

The Primary Mental Healthcare Minimum Data Set (PMHC MDS) Service Provider QUICK REFERENCE Guide is a resource intended to describe key issues and concepts related to the collection of, and provision of data to, the PMHC MDS for mental health service providers. For more detailed information regarding the PMHC MDS, see the Data Specifications.

There are two versions of the PMHC MDS Service Provider Quick Reference Guide.

7. Mailing list

If you would like to be notified about updates to the specifications or announcements about the development of the PMHC MDS please send an email to with the subject “Subscribe”.

This is not a general discussion list. Only moderated users can send messages to this list.