PMHC MDS - Change to login workflow - introduction of MFA - 16/10/2024
November 06, 2024
As per our recent communication, to enhance data security Logicly will be
releasing the new Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) login workflow change
on Monday 11th November 2024. The details sent originally are included again below.
Please email if you have any questions or issues.
Thank you
The PMHC-MDS team at Logicly
PMHC-MDS - Change to login workflow - introduction of MFA
As part of Logicly’s ongoing commitment to data security and in response to
the Australian Signals Directorate’s Information Security Manual guidance,
we are rolling out Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to all users that
access the PMHC-MDS.
What is changing?
After entering your username and password you will be required to complete
a second authentication step. MFA is an additional layer of authentication
that works by requiring users to provide verification information (via a
device they have) in addition to their email address/password (which they
know) when logging in. Taken together these multiple “factors” are used
to verify the user.
Logicly’s authentication system supports a variety of additional factors,
- Push notifications sent to an application on the user’s smart mobile
- One-time passcodes generated by an application such as Google
Authenticator and entered by the user during login
- USB Security Keys which support WebAuthn with FIDO. These are connected
to the users computer and touched during login
- We have a user guide that will help step users through different options
and how to set them up:
When will this happen?
Logicly intends to release this change on 11th November 2024. A reminder
email will be sent in the days prior to the change.
Why is this happening?
The change is being made in order to meet security improvements around the
authentication and authorisation process for the PMHC-MDS.
Please email if you have any questions or issues.
Thank you
The PMHC-MDS team at Logicly
Update to the PMHC MDS - 1/11/2024 (v2.14.2)
November 01, 2024
PMHC MDS Update v2.14.2
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v2.14.2 was released on
November 1, 2024.
As per the Department of Health and Aged Care’s October 2024 PHN CEO
Circular, the PMHC MDS has been updated to support the capture of data
at a more granular level in cases where a provider organisation operates
out of multiple sites within the same PHN.
The following features have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- A new ‘Sites’ tab is available in the data entry interface for Provider
Organisations. This tab allows sites for the provider organisation to be
- Where sites have been defined for a Provider Organisation, a drop down
list containing each of the sites is now displayed on the Service Contact
- The Service Contact Modality field now includes “SMS”. Please refer to the
notes at
for advice on how this response may be used.
The following features have been applied in the upload interface:
- The upload interface now accepts uploads in the Version 4.1 data
specification. This specification allows the capture of a provider
organisation operating at multiple sites within the same PHN.
Please see below for more information on this specification. The existing
Version 4.0 data specification will continue to be available until 1 May 2025.
After that date it will no longer be available.
- The upload interface also accepts the Version 4.0.5 data specification. This
specification allows for the capture of “SMS” in the Service Contact
Modality field. The new Version 4.1 data specification also includes this
The following update has been made to the PMHC MDS user interface:
- Idle session detection has been improved. Interacting with screen elements,
for example by typing or clicking, will extend user session timeouts.
PMHC MDS Data Specification Version 4.1
The PMHC MDS Data Specification update v4.1 was released on November 1 2024.
The following updates were implemented:
- Sites - Added sites field to the Organisation record to allow the sites at
which a provider organisation provides services to clients to be specified
- Service Contact Site - Added site field to the Service Contact record to
allow the site at which a Service Contact took place to be specified
- Modality - Added response ‘5: SMS’
PMHC MDS Data Specification Update Version 4.0.5
The PMHC MDS Data Specification update v4.0.5 was released on November 1 2024.
The following updates were implemented:
- Modality - Added response ‘5: SMS’
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
New Sites Field in the PMHC MDS
October 27, 2024
The below circular was sent to PHN CEOs in October 2024.
PHN CEO Circular October 2024
New Sites Field in the PMHC MDS
This circular is to inform you about an upcoming addition to the Primary Mental Health Care Minimum Data Set (PMHC MDS) that will allow for data to be captured at a more granular level in cases where a provider organisation operates out of multiple sites within the same PHN.
This will be done by implementing a new data field called “sites” to the service contact record. The sites field will be available for all PHNs to use but is only a mandatory field for Medicare Mental Health Centres (MMHCs, formerly Head to Health) to enable more accurate routine program monitoring of these services.
To support the information in this circular, PHNs are asked to:
- Ensure relevant staff receive and review the information on the new sites field.
- Share the guidance regarding the new sites field with relevant staff and service providers by 31 October 2024.
- Begin uploading to the PMHC MDS under v4.1 by 30 April 2025 before the v4.0 specification is phased out.
- Ensure all Medicare Mental Health Centres are named according to the guidance provided in this circular.
For any questions regarding this information please contact
Provision of information via the PMHC MDS is necessary for governments to undertake their role in funding, monitoring, and planning future national service delivery. The introduction of the new sites field aims to address the limitation that occurs when the same Provider Organisation (PO) is delivering services across multiple ‘sites’ within a PHN region. For each MMHC, a ‘site’ may be defined as a PO’s distinct service venue where there is more than one MMHC within the PHN region.
In 2023, the department consulted PHNs via the Head to Health Data Leads Community of Practice about the proposed new sites field in the PMHC MDS. Overall, the solution was supported. Some PHNs noted it could also be helpful for contract management and monitoring of other programs. At this stage, implementation of the new sites field is only mandatory for MMHCs.
For services that are not required to follow the MMHC naming guidance, a ‘site’ may be interpreted as a mechanism to differentiate activity occurring within a PO either physically, functionally, or contractually where PHNs feel this is the most appropriate way to record their data.
Additional Technical details
If PHNs wish to begin system preparation in advance the draft specification is available at: Draft PMHC MDS Data Specification 4.1.0-Draft documentation.
The sites field will be introduced with the release of PMHC MDS specification v4.1 which is anticipated to occur in November 2024. PHNs are encouraged to begin submitting data to v4.1 as soon as convenient but to allow for the transition v4.0 will not be decommissioned until April 2025. By this date, all PHNs and/or their service providers that upload to the PMHC MDS will need to upgrade to v4.1 before the v4.0 specification is phased out.
POs will have the ability to create sites for their organisation. Relevant staff may define the list of sites via upload or data entry. For data entry, the sites field will only be displayed on the Service Contact data entry form if there are sites defined for a PO. If there are sites defined for a PO, the service_contact_site field must be one of the defined sites of the PO. If there are no sites defined for a PO, the data entry form will not have any changes to how it currently appears for the v4.0 specification. The Logicly help desk is available to support PHNs with technical questions in relation to the implementation of the sites field.
The addition of the sites field does not apply to data submitted under the WayBack extension.
Naming Guidance
POs should ensure that site names are clear and easily distinguishable from other MMHCs and services in their PHN region. To support accurate reporting and monitoring of service activity data through the PMHC MDS, it is recommended that the MMHC location is included in the site name (e.g., Townsville MMHC should include ‘Townsville’ somewhere in the site name such as TOWNSVILLE2024). Where a single MMHC is operating across more than one location, it is at the discretion of the PO whether to include this level of detail in the site name. PHNs can contact the Department ( to discuss individual requirements about implementing the MMHC naming guidance, as needed.
PHNs and POs who wish to utilise the sites field for services that are not delivered through MMHCs are requested to name sites in a reasonable and sensible way that maintains confidentiality for the relevant provider and complies with privacy legislation. Logicly have updated the guidance available via the PMHC MDS data specification to include general naming guidance and validation requirements for the sites field: Draft PMHC MDS Data Specification 4.1.0-Draft documentation.
Action Required
The v4.1 specification is planned for release from 1 November 2024. PHNs will be notified through a system release e-mail notification from Logicly’s PMHC-MDS support service. Once released, PHNs will need to ensure that this information is distributed to relevant staff and service providers, and that their processes are updated accordingly.
PHNs are encouraged to begin submitting data under PMHC MDS specification v4.1 once it is released. For a 6-month period from the v4.1 release date, the PMHC MDS will still accept the v4.0 upload format before it is phased out.
For technical support, please contact Logicly at
Update to the PMHC MDS - 20/10/2024 (v2.13.7)
October 20, 2024
PMHC MDS Update v2.13.7
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v2.13.7 was released on
October 20, 2024.
The following updates have been applied in the reporting interface:
- Improved the speed of the A1, B1, B2, B3 reports based on PHN and
Provider Organisation level of reporting
The following updates have been applied in the upload interface:
- Improved the validation message when there are missing columns
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
PMHC MDS - Change to login workflow - introduction of MFA - 16/10/2024
October 16, 2024
PMHC-MDS - Change to login workflow - introduction of MFA
As part of Logicly’s ongoing commitment to data security and in response to
the Australian Signals Directorate’s Information Security Manual guidance,
we are rolling out Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to all users that
access the PMHC-MDS.
What is changing?
After entering your username and password you will be required to complete
a second authentication step. MFA is an additional layer of authentication
that works by requiring users to provide verification information (via a
device they have) in addition to their email address/password (which they
know) when logging in. Taken together these multiple “factors” are used
to verify the user.
Logicly’s authentication system supports a variety of additional factors,
- Push notifications sent to an application on the user’s smart mobile
- One-time passcodes generated by an application such as Google
Authenticator and entered by the user during login
- USB Security Keys which support WebAuthn with FIDO. These are connected
to the users computer and touched during login
- We have a user guide that will help step users through different options
and how to set them up:
When will this happen?
Logicly intends to release this change on 11th November 2024. A reminder
email will be sent in the days prior to the change.
Why is this happening?
The change is being made in order to meet security improvements around the
authentication and authorisation process for the PMHC-MDS.
Please email if you have any questions or issues.
Thank you
The PMHC-MDS team at Logicly
Update to the PMHC MDS - 11/8/2024 (v2.13.0)
August 11, 2024
PMHC MDS Update v2.13.0
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v2.13.0 was released on August 1, 2024.
As previously advised, Version 2 of the Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support
Tool can now be recorded in the PMHC MDS.
Version 2 includes separate rating guides available for use with Children (aged 5-11),
Adolescents (aged 12-17), Adults (aged 18-64), Older Adults (aged 65 and over).
More information regarding IAR-DST Version 2 is available via the official IAR-DST
v2 specification documentation at
The PMHC MDS data entry interface will now accept either Version 1 or Version 2 of the IAR-DST.
Both Version 1 and Version 2 of the IAR-DST can now be uploaded to the PMHC MDS using the
v4.0.4 data specification. v4.0.4 is backwards compatible with the existing v4
specifications. Therefore, any organisations that are not yet ready to collect IAR-DST
Version 2 data, can continue to upload with their current file format. The v4.0.4
data specification is available at
Specific information about implementing Version 2 of the IAR-DST is available at
PMHC MDS IAR-DST Version 2 and Outcome Measures Standard Deviations - 09/08/2024
August 09, 2024
From early next week, Version 2 of the Initial Assessment and Referral
Decision Support Tool will be able to be recorded in the PMHC MDS.
Version 2 includes separate rating guides available for use with
Children (aged 5-11), Adolescents (aged 12-17), Adults (aged 18-64),
Older Adults (aged 65 and over). More information regarding IAR-DST
Version 2 is available via the official IAR-DST v2 specification
documentation at
Once upgraded, the PMHC MDS data entry interface will accept either Version 1 or
Version 2 of the IAR-DST.
Both Version 1 and Version 2 of the IAR-DST will be able to be uploaded
to the PMHC MDS using the v4.0.4 data specification. v4.0.4 is backwards
compatible with the existing v4 specifications. Therefore, any organisations
that are not yet ready to collect IAR-DST Version 2 data, can continue to
upload with their current file format. The v4.0.4 data specification is
already available at
Specific information about implementing Version 2 of the IAR-DST is available at
A further announcement will be made when Version 2 of the IAR-DST is available
in the PMHC MDS.
The v4.0.4 data specification differs from the v4.0.3 data specification in
that the 2.older value for the IAR-DST version field has been updated to
2.older-adult in order to make it consistent with the IAR-DST specification.
Outcome Measure Standard Deviations
Some reports, such as the Out series reports, use extra inputs that cannot be
generated locally. Logicly supplies these inputs at
in order to assist organisations who wish to replicate the system reports.
The outcome measure standard deviations for 2024 are now available at
Clarification and Update to the PMHC MDS - 30/7/2024 (v2.12.8)
July 30, 2024
You may have seen a recent PMHC MDS notification that users from State
and Territory Governments will now be given access to aggregate PMHC MDS
reports. We wish to advise that this only means that the technical data
systems of the PMHC MDS have been updated in order to allow for access to be
granted. Sharing of the PMHC MDS with State and Territory Governments as per
commitments under the National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Agreement
is being closely managed by the Department of Health and Aged Care and access
will only be granted after the relevant State or Territory health
department/agency has signed a Data Sharing Agreement and agreed to follow a
Data Access Protocol. These documents describe roles and responsibilities for
specific users within a State or Territory health department/agency to ensure
PMHC MDS data is handled appropriately and safely. Further information will
be provided by the Department in due course.
PMHC MDS Update v2.12.8
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v2.12.8 was released on July 30, 2024.
The following updates have been applied in the reporting interface:
- Fixed a bug where reports using The Wayback data source returned the error
message ‘An error occurred: bad report data source’
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
Update to the PMHC MDS - 29/7/2024 (v2.12.7)
July 29, 2024
PMHC MDS Update v2.12.7
As per the bilateral agreements between the Commonwealth and State/Territory
Governments, users from State and Territory Governments can now be given
access to aggregate reports. For more information please refer to the updated
guidance on client consent at
The following updates have been applied in the reporting interface:
- The reports that allow state/territory breakdowns (A1, B1, B2, B3) now use
the state/territory of the commissioning PHN rather than the state/territory
of the provider organisation that delivered the service
- The efficiency of some reports has been improved
- Provider organisations that are not active in the selected reporting period
are now being filtered out of Provider Organisation drop down
- Fixed a bug in the B1 report where if you generated a B1 report down to the
PO level and then filtered by a specific provider organisation, that filtering
did not get applied to the total row of the report
The following updates have been applied to the user management interface:
- Fixed an issue that was causing inactive users to be inconsistently listed
in the User Auditing tab and the Edit Roles tab
The following updates have been applied in the upload interface:
- Added a check to ensure that upload files have the appropriate extension for
their file type, that is, zip files must have a .zip extension and excel
files must have a .xlsx extension
- Improved the error message for duplicate values for the Organisation Type
Referred to at Episode Conclusion field
- Improved the error message when duplicate Service Contact Practitioners are
recorded for a Service Contact
The following updates have been applied in the Upload API:
- One API key can now be used to upload to multiple provider organisations
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
PMHC MDS IAR-DST Version 2 - 08/07/2024
July 08, 2024
Version 2 of the Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool has now
been finalised and will soon be able to be collected in the PMHC MDS.
Version 2 includes separate rating guides available for use with Children (aged 5-11),
Adolescents (aged 12-17), Adults (aged 18-64), Older Adults (aged 65 and over).
More information regarding IAR-DST Version 2 is available via the official IAR-DST v2
specification documentation at
Once upgraded, the PMHC MDS data entry interface will accept either Version 1 or
Version 2 of the IAR-DST.
Both Version 1 and Version 2 of the IAR-DST will be able to be uploaded to the
PMHC MDS using the v4.0.3 data specification. v4.0.3 is backwards compatible with
the existing v4 specifications. Therefore, any organisations that are not yet
ready to collect IAR-DST Version 2 data, can continue to upload with their current
file format. The v4.0.3 data specification is already available at
Specific information about implementing Version 2 of the IAR-DST is available at
A further announcement will be made when Version 2 of the IAR-DST is available
in the PMHC MDS.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 29/4/2024
April 29, 2024
PMHC MDS Update v2.11.1
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v2.11.1 was released
on April 29, 2024.
The following updates have been applied in the upload, data entry and
reporting interfaces:
The following updates have been applied in the upload interface:
The following updates have been applied in the data extract interface:
Additionally, a service that scans records in the PMHC MDS looking for
name-like keys and sends an email to alert users with the Organisation Manager
role will soon be implemented. This is being implemented because the PMHC MDS
should only contain deidentified data, however it has been found that client
names have been used in keys.
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
Update to the PMHC MDS - 2/2/2024
February 02, 2024
PMHC MDS Update v2.9.7
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v2.9.7 was released
on February 2, 2024.
The following update has been applied to the sign-in interface:
- A link to allow password reset was added next to the Sign in button
The following updates have been applied in the reporting interface:
- The ‘B1 - Activity Report: Client Characteristics’, ‘B2 - Activity
Report: Episode Characteristics’ and ‘B3 - Activity Report: Service
Contact Characteristics’ reports have been enhanced such that:
- A ‘State/Territory’ Reporting Level has been added
- A ‘Group By’ selector has been added with the following options
for each Reporting Level:
- National - ‘None’, ‘State/Territory’, ‘PHN’
- State/Territory - ‘None’, ‘PHN’
- Regional - ‘None’, ‘PO’
- Provider Organisation - ‘None’
- A ‘Filter By’ selector has been added that allows multiple selections
of the entity that was selected for the Group By
- Improved the speed of the ‘App2 - Culturally appropriate services for
Indigenous population’ report when reporting at a Regional level
- Improved the speed of the ‘B5 - Activity reports by provider workforce
characteristics’ report when reporting at a National level
- Fixed a bug that was occasionally causing decimal numbers to be rounded
the wrong way
- Fixed a bug where a CSV report could not be downloaded
The following updates have been applied in the upload interface:
- Improved a validation error for the Service Contact Start Time to show
an example from the upload where the time format has not been supplied
- Allow referral dates that are dated UTC tomorrow in order to accommodate
different time zones
- Fixed a bug where the “Uploader” field was missing from the filters section
of the View Uploads tab
The following updates have been applied in the user management interface:
- Fixed a bug where the Actions button was inactive in the Edit user roles tab
- Fixed a bug where the Organisation Name was being displayed in the
Organisation Path column in the user roles tab
- Fixed a bug where the ‘Invitation issued by’ filter on the View Invitations
tab was not working properly
The following updates have been applied in the organisation management
- Improved the speed of viewing lists of organisations
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
PMHC MDS - ‘Error 500’ issues on log-in
December 05, 2023
PMHC MDS - ‘Error 500’ issues on log-in
Dear PMHC MDS user,
We’ve been made aware that users are intermittently receiving an error message
saying ‘Error 500 - Internal Server Error’ when logging-in to the PMHC MDS.
Unfortunately in some cases it takes multiple attempts to log-in, but please
try refreshing your browser window first as that often works.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience this causes. Our senior developers are
investigating the issue and we will deploy a fix as soon as possible.
Thanks for your patience,
Update to the PMHC MDS - 3/11/2023
November 03, 2023
PMHC MDS Update v2.8.5
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v2.8.5 was released on
November 3, 2023.
The following updates have been applied in the reporting interface:
- The App-3 — Suicide Risk Followup Reports has had a fix on the Unknown age
group counting. Now, it includes episodes without service contacts
- Improvement speed on the A6 reports
- Fixed an error where totals for hAPI providers were showing counts of 0 at
the Regional level
The following updates have been applied in the upload interface:
- Return a validation error when the Service Contact Start Time field includes
The following updates have been applied in the upload API:
- Fixed an error where records with today’s date were incorrectly being
identified as future dated
- Fixed a bug that was causing uploads via the API to fail
The following updates have been applied in the data extract interface:
- Added a new feature where users can now select the data specification type
to be extracted
- Fixed an error where headspace records were not included in extracts
The following updates have been applied in the user management interface:
- Fixed an error where user roles were not being applied after users accepted
their invitation
The following updates have been applied in the reporting specifications:
- PMHC Outcome Measure Standard Deviations 2023 as XLSX
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
PMHC-MDS - Reminder of change to login workflow - 24/10/2023
October 25, 2023
PMHC-MDS - Reminder of change to login workflow
Dear PMHC-MDS user,
As per our recent communication Logicly will be releasing the new authentication process and associated login workflow change on Monday the 30th October 2023. The details sent originally are included again below.
Please email if you have any questions or issues.
Thank you
The PMHC-MDS team at Logicly
PMHC-MDS - Change to login workflow
As part of Logicly’s ongoing commitment to data security and in response to the Australian Signals Directorate’s Information Security Manual guidance, we are introducing a new authentication process for accessing the PMHC-MDS.
What is changing?
The immediate change for users will be a requirement to use your full email address as your username when logging in to the application. Once you’ve entered your full email address on the first screen you’ll be asked to enter your password on a second screen, and then you will access the application as normal. See examples below.
When will this happen?
Logicly intends to release this change in October. A reminder email will be sent in the days prior to the change.
Why is this happening?
The change is being made in order to enable or enhance multi-factor authentication (MFA) within the application and to facilitate future security improvements around the authentication and authorisation process.
Also, by capturing the email addresses in the first step, the login process can be tailored to different organisation’s requirements in the future. For example, login could be handled using the same details as you use to login to your organisation’s systems. This is known as Single Sign On or SSO.
Note that MFA will be rolled out progressively in the near future on a schedule yet to be agreed. You will be informed well prior to MFA being required with a timeline and supporting documentation.
Please email if you have any questions or issues.
Thank you
The PMHC-MDS team at Logicly
PMHC-MDS - Change to login workflow - 17/10/2023
October 17, 2023
PMHC-MDS - Change to login workflow
As part of Logicly’s ongoing commitment to data security and in response to the Australian Signals Directorate’s Information Security Manual guidance, we are introducing a new authentication process for accessing the PMHC-MDS.
What is changing?
The immediate change for users will be a requirement to use your full email address as your username when logging in to the application. Once you’ve entered your full email address on the first screen you’ll be asked to enter your password on a second screen, and then you will access the application as normal. See examples below.
When will this happen?
Logicly intends to release this change in October. A reminder email will be sent in the days prior to the change.
Why is this happening?
The change is being made in order to enable or enhance multi-factor authentication (MFA) within the application and to facilitate future security improvements around the authentication and authorisation process.
Also, by capturing the email addresses in the first step, the login process can be tailored to different organisation’s requirements in the future. For example, login could be handled using the same details as you use to login to your organisation’s systems. This is known as Single Sign On or SSO.
Note that MFA will be rolled out progressively in the near future on a schedule yet to be agreed. You will be informed well prior to MFA being required with a timeline and supporting documentation.
Please email if you have any questions or issues.
Thank you
The PMHC-MDS team at Logicly
Update to the PMHC MDS - 16/8/2023
August 16, 2023
PMHC MDS Update v2.7.3
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v2.7.3 was released on
August 16, 2023.
The following updates have been applied in the reporting interface:
- The B5: Activity Reports by provider workforce characteristics (category,
ATSI Status, ATSI cultural training, and gender) has been enhanced to add
options to report on all practitioners for a service contact or only the
primary practitioner for a service contact. Previously, the B5 only reported
on the primary practitioner.
The following updates have been applied:
- In line with best practices, read-only filesystems are utilised to improve
the security of PMHC MDS.
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
Update to the PMHC MDS - 27/7/2023
July 27, 2023
PMHC MDS Update v2.7.0
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v2.7.0 was released on
July 27, 2023.
The following updates have been applied in the reporting interface:
- Reinstate the
tag for filtering reports
- The following new reports have been implemented:
- I8: Links Without an Existing Intake
- I9: Dispatches to unidentified MDS treatment organisations
The following access issues have been fixed in OMSSS:
- Fixed an issue with questions on SIDAS and WHO5
The following access issues have been fixed:
- Fixed a login issue with Safari
The following issues have been fixed in Data Entry:
- Fixed a bug where the tags field wasn’t always saving unless toggled
- Fixed a bug where the time field was displaying the current time when it
should be blank
- Fixed a bug in Safari where the date and time fields were not displaying
a value
- Fixed a bug where opening a record showed an error if the key was 50
- Fixed a bug where duplicating a service contact record failed where the
service contact had been created prior to version 4 and did not have a
start time
The following issues have been fixed in Upload:
- Fixed a bug where the YES Invitation upload screen was displaying a 403 error
after a successful upload
The following issues have been fixed in Reports:
- Fixed an issue with PHN filtering in A1
- Fixed an issue with client consent filtering on the I2 and I6
- Improvement speed on some reports around the regional/org levels filtering
- Improved speed on the C1 report, which was not loading
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
Update to the PMHC MDS - 1/6/2023
June 01, 2023
PMHC MDS Update v2.6.3
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v2.6.3 was released on
June 1, 2023.
The following updates have been applied in the reporting interface:
- The following new reports have been implemented:
- I6: Intake Dispatch Status by Intake Organisation
- I7: Link Status of Episodes Dispatched to Organisation
- The A1 report has been enhanced such that:
- The ‘Option’ drop down has been renamed to ‘Group By’
- When ‘National’ is selected as a Reporting Level, a ‘by
State/Territory’ option has been added to the ‘Group By’ selector.
- A ‘State/Territory’ Reporting Level has been added which allows
Grouping By ‘None’, ‘PHN’, ‘Practitioner Category’ or ‘Principal
Focus of Treatment Plan’
- A ‘None’ option has been added to the Group By to allow a report
that only contains a National/State or Territory/PHN/PO total
- A ‘Filter By’ selector has been added that allows multiple selections
of the entity that was selected for the Group By
The following issues have been fixed:
- Fixed a bug where a pop-up error was being returned after uploading
YES-PHN invitations
- Fixed a bug where the episode end date was not being exported in the
correct format for YES-PHN invitations
- Fixed a bug where verbose internal errors were being incorrectly passed through
to the user
- Fixed a bug where the Upload Details tab was not showing warning messages
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
PMHC MDS Early Psychosis Youth Service (EPYS) Program reporting update - 1/5/2023
May 03, 2023
The following advice was communicated by the Department of Health and Aged Care
via e-mail to PHN CEOs on 1 May 2023 in an “Early Psychosis Youth Service (EPYS) Program
reporting and commissioning update”:
EPYS data reporting:
PHN service providers are not required to report EPYS activity through
the Primary Mental Health Care Minimum Dataset (PMHC MDS), and this is
currently not supported. EPYS program data should be collected through
the headspace Application Platform Interface (hAPI), based on the
Minimum Data Set specified. The Department will work with headspace
National to consider how EPYS data in hAPI may be submitted via the
PMHC MDS in the future and what changes will be required to support
that. We encourage PHNs to minimise duplicative reporting requirements
for service providers, and provide feedback to the Department on data
collection and reporting via
Update to the PMHC MDS - 30/3/2023
March 30, 2023
PMHC MDS Update v2.5.7
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v2.5.7 was released on
March 30, 2023.
The following updates have been applied in the reporting interface:
- The following new report has been implemented:
- B9: Activity Report: Number of practitioners
- The I5: Intake Conclusion Referral Pathway report has been updated to
include a ‘PHN Funded Pathways’ title spanning AMHC, Head to Health,
and Other PHN funded columns.
- Regional level reports for hAPI were restored - this is only applicable
to users who have the Reporting role at headspace
The following updates have been applied in uploads:
- Duplicate Service Contact Practitioner errors are now all reported at once
- It is now enforced that Service Contacts that are added in an upload have
a primary practitioner identified.
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
Update to the PMHC MDS - 16/2/2023
February 16, 2023
PMHC MDS Update v2.5.3
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v2.5.3 was released on
February 16, 2023.
The following updates have been applied:
- Episodes tagged with the ‘!covid19’ tag were being rejected.
This has been fixed.
HeadtoHealth Episodes entered/uploaded in Version 4 no longer require
the ‘!covid19’ tag.
The !covid19 tag has now reverted to its original use to flag that an
episode has occurred as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. For more
information please refer to
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
Final reminder of end of life for PMHC MDS Version 2 and PMHC MDS HeadtoHelp Version 3 data specifications
January 31, 2023
The PMHC MDS currently supports uploads in both the Version 2 format as
documented at and
the Version 2 format as documented at
It also currently supports uploads in the HeadtoHelp Version 3 extension
format as documented at
It was previously announced that after the 31st of January 2023, the PMHC MDS will no longer accept uploads using the Version 2 and HeadtoHelp Version 3 formats.
We are allowing a few days grace. As of this Sunday, the 5th of February 2023 the PMHC MDS will no longer accept uploads using the Version 2 and HeadtoHelp Version 3 formats. Please ensure that you have migrated to using the Version 4 format before this date.
A summary of the changes between version 2 and 4 is available at
Reminder of end of life for PMHC MDS Version 2 and PMHC MDS HeadtoHelp Version 3 data specifications
January 18, 2023
The PMHC MDS currently supports uploads in both the Version 2 format as
documented at and
the Version 2 format as documented at
It also currently supports uploads in the HeadtoHelp Version 3 extension
format as documented at
After the 31st of January 2023 the PMHC MDS will no longer accept uploads
using the Version 2 and HeadtoHelp Version 3 formats. Please ensure that you
have migrated to using the Version 4 format before this date.
A summary of the changes between version 2 and 4 is available at
Update to the PMHC MDS - 16/12/2022
December 16, 2022
PMHC MDS Update v2.4.2
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v2.4.2 was released on
December 16, 2022.
The following updates have been applied:
- The Data Extract tab has been enhanced. Data extracts are now generated in
the background. Users can continue with other MDS tasks while they are
generated. Data extracts are retained for 7 days and can be accessed via
the new ‘View extracts’ sub tab.
- The G1: Residential Aged Care Facility Client Outcomes report has been
optimised to run faster.
- Selecting Regional Reporting Level and a particular PHN in the I5 now gives
a row for each PO in the table rather than a single summary for the entire
- The SDQ data entry interface now excludes the “8: Not applicable (collection
not required - item not included in the version collected, or SDQ Item 26
= 0)” option where it is not applicable.
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
Update to the PMHC MDS - 1/12/2022
December 01, 2022
PMHC MDS Update v2.3.6
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v2.3.6 was released on
December 1, 2022.
The following updates have been applied:
- The PMHC MDS authentication has been updated allowing Multi Factor
Authentication for selected users
- Error messages have been updated to change references to
“closed intakes” to “concluded intakes”
- YES-Invites uploads now report a summary of what was included
- Fixed the links to field definitions in the data entry interface
The following updates have been applied in the reporting interface:
- Multiple data sources can now be selected for program types within
the PMHC data source
- The Wayback data source revised to use all PMHC program types,
previously it was a subset of the Flexible Funding Pool
- The A2: Volume Trends report has previously only reported data on a
monthly basis. It now has an option to select reporting on either a
monthly or weekly basis.
- The I3: IAR-DST by Referral In - Practitioner IAR and I4: IAR-DST
by Referral Out - Practitioner IAR have been updated such that:
- A “No IAR-DST supplied” column has been added
- The ‘Total episodes’ column has been renamed as ‘Total intakes’
- The counting of the ‘Total intakes’ column has been changed to
count the number of Intakes. It previously counted the number of
IAR-DST’s. An Intake can have more than one IAR-DST.
- The following new reports have been implemented:
- I5: Intake Referral Out by PHN summary
- Fixed a bug where data for the chosen data source(s) were not
correctly filtered
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
Reminder of end of life for PMHC MDS Version 2 and PMHC MDS HeadtoHelp Version 3 data specifications
November 02, 2022
The PMHC MDS currently supports uploads in both the Version 2 format as
documented at and
the Version 2 format as documented at
It also currently supports uploads in the HeadtoHelp Version 3 extension
format as documented at
After the 31st of January 2023 the PMHC MDS will no longer accept uploads
using the Version 2 and HeadtoHelp Version 3 formats. Please ensure that you
have migrated to using the Version 4 format before this date.
A summary of the changes between version 2 and 4 is available at
Update to the PMHC MDS - 30/10/2022
October 30, 2022
PMHC MDS Update v2.2.0
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v2.2.0 was released on
October 30, 2022.
The following updates have been applied in the reporting interface:
- ‘The Way Back’ has been added as a new Data Source. This allows all existing
reports to be filtered on episodes that use ‘The Way Back Support Service’
The following new reports have been implemented:
- A1a: High level summary of overall intakes
- A4a-1: Data Quality Report: Missing and invalid Intake data - Summary
- A4a-2: Data Quality Report: Missing and invalid Intake data - Detail
- B2a: Activity Report: Intake characteristics
Login changes reminder
The PMHC MDS is in the process of being upgraded to support Multi Factor
Authentication (MFA). In preparation for MFA the PMHC MDS login screen
will shortly change. It will be Logicly branded and served from the domain An example screenshot can be found at
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
PMHC MDS outage scheduled for 9pm AEDT Thursday 27th October 2022
October 27, 2022
PMHC MDS outage scheduled for 9pm AEDT Thursday 27th October 2022
We will be performing ongoing security maintenance of our infrastructure on
Thursday 27th October 2022 between 9:00pm and 10:00pm AEDT.
You may not be able to log-in to Logicly applications at this time. We expect
the outage to be brief, however the system could be interrupted for up to an hour.
Please complete any work involving the PMHC MDS before 9:00pm AEDT to avoid any
Thank-you for your patience whilst this work is carried out.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 6/10/2022
October 10, 2022
PMHC MDS Update v2.1.3
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v2.1.3 was released on October 6, 2022.
The following updates have been applied in the reporting interface:
- The W1 - Wayback Reporting Template has been updated inline with current
contractual reporting requirements
The following bug fixes have been applied:
- Fixed Data Extracts that include service contacts where no primary
practitioner is identified.
- Editing existing Wayback episodes with a Principal Focus of Treatment Plan of
- September 22nd was added as a public holiday for the National Day of Mourning
for Queen Elizabeth II in all states when calculating business days for W1 reports.
- HeadToHelp uploads with empty Client or Episode worksheets now report
foreign key errors rather than an internal error.
- Data Entry of entities with trailing spaces in their keys have been restored.
- Uploads in PMHCv4 spec that include deleting service contacts with
HeadToHelp V3 service contact extension data will now succeed.
- Uploads in META format generate an error early in processing. Uploads of data
in the META extract format is not supported.
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
PMHC MDS Department of Health Circular - 6/10/2022
October 06, 2022
Requirements for Initial Assessment and Referral data
Information about the requirements for the collection of Intake and IAR-DST data
in the PMHC MDS was sent to PHN CEO’s in the Department of Health’s circular on 27/9/2022.
This circular has now been published at:
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
Requirements for Initial Assessment and Referral data
September 27, 2022
The below circular was sent to PHN CEOs on Tuesday 27 September 2022.
PHN CEO Circular 2022/06 – Sep 2022
Requirements for Initial Assessment and Referral data
This circular provides a clarification on Primary Mental Health Care Minimum Data Set (PMHC-MDS) Version 4 (v4) documentation released to PHNs on 15 August 2022. The information outlined in this circular applies to all Primary Health Networks (PHNs).
To support this update, PHNs are asked to:
- Ensure relevant staff review the updated information on collection of intake and IAR data outlined in Attachment A
Reporting of Intake Assessment and Referral data
The v4 specification requires PHNs to record a new Intake record and Initial Assessment and Referral (IAR) record where an episode has undertaken an intake process.
The collection of Intake and IAR data is a requirement for Head to Health programs. This includes phone service, centres, satellites, and pop-up clinics. Intake and IAR data should be collected for all Head to Health episodes that undertake an intake process. The v4 specification streamlines the collection process and makes it possible to collect and report this information in a nationally consistent manner.
PHNs may choose to collect Intake and IAR data for other non-Head to Health programs using the v4 specification, however reporting of this data remains optional subject to further guidance from the department.
PHNs will be notified of the updates to the PMHC-MDS v4 documentation through a system release communication via Logicly. The PMHC-MDS v4 documentation site will be updated at The changes are provided at Attachment A of this circular.
If you have any queries about the updated information, please contact the department via
For technical support, please contact Logicly at
Attachment A – Updated descriptions in PMHC-MDS v4 specification
This document outlines the updates to the PMHC-MDS v4 documentation that will be available at Changes are identified in red text.
PHNs will be notified of the updates to the PMHC-MDS v4 documentation through a system release communication via Logicly.
1. Introduction
1.1.1. Intake Context
Where an organisation is only providing intake services and not providing any treatment services, they can use the following data model to submit data to the PMHC-MDS:
In the Intake context the following records will need to be provided:
Episode and Service contact activity is not submitted in this context.
The collection of Intake and IAR data may not be required for all programs. Please see 5.3.5 Intake.
1.2. New Records and Fields in Version 4
1.2.1. Intake
The model now records a new Intake record where an episode has undertaken an Intake process. The collection of Intake and IAR data may not be required for all programs. Please see 5.3.5 Intake.
The Intake table records information about the intake.
Organisation Path and Intake Key are the two fields required to link the Intake record at the intake provider organisation to the Episode record at the treatment organisation.
The values of these fields should be passed along by the intake organisation to the treatment organisation where the treatment organisation will use them to fill in Intake Organisation Path and Intake Key. This will then link the Intake record at the intake organisation with the Episode record at the treatment organisation.
1.2.2. IAR-DST Measure
The model now captures the domains and the recommended level of care pertinent to the IAR-DST that clients have completed for them as part of the intake process. A new IAR-DST record will be created for each intake process.
Consistent with the existing measures in the MDS, the domain scores will be captured as well as the recommended level of care. The purpose of collecting both domain scores and recommended level of care is to:
- allow verification of IAR-DST scoring processes, thereby catching scoring implementation errors early should they arise, and
- provide a resource that can be used to better understand how the IAR-DST scoring algorithm performs in real world environments supporting ongoing improvement of the tool.
The collection of Intake and IAR data may not be required for all programs. Please see 5.3.5 Intake.
1.2.3. Episode and Intake Episode
When the client is referred to a PMHC MDS reporting treatment service a new Episode record is created.
Where the client has been referred via an intake process, an additional Intake Episode record is also created.
The Intake Episode table comprises a composite foreign key to link it back to an episode record on which all the episode information is recorded. This linkage is done via two fields:
- The identifier of the intake team (Intake Organisation Path)
- The episode identifier of the intake team (Intake Key)
The Episode record has been expanded with one new field - the organisation(s) to which the organisation refers the client (Organisation type referred to at Episode conclusion)
The collection of Intake and IAR data may not be required for all programs. Please see 5.3.5 Intake.
5.2 Key concepts
5.2.5. Intake
For the purpose of the PMHC MDS, an Intake is defined as a point of contact between a client and a PHN-commissioned organisation where the client is assessed to determine the appropriate level of care and referred to a service provider to provide clinical care. An Intake may include the collection of an IAR-DST measure.
The collection of Intake and IAR data may not be required for all programs. Please see 5.3.5 Intake.
5.3.5 Intake
See Intake for definition of an intake.
The collection of Intake and IAR data is a requirement for Head to Health programs. This includes the Head to Health Phone Service, centres, satellites and Pop-Up clinics. PHNs may choose to collect Intake and IAR data for other non-Head to Health programs using the PMHC-MDS v4 specification, however reporting of this data remains optional subject to further guidance from the department.
Intakes are managed by the provider organisations via upload.
5.3.11. Measures Measures at Intake
Where an Intake is recorded, the PMHC MDS requires the use of the IAR-DST IAR-DST.
The collection of Intake and IAR data may not be required for all programs. Please see 5.3.5 Intake.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 1/9/2022
September 01, 2022
PMHC MDS Update v2.0.6
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v2.0.6 was released on September 1, 2022.
The following changes have been applied in the data entry interface:
The “Psychosocial” response for the Principal Focus of Treatment plan has
been re-enabled when creating “!wayback” tagged episodes.
The Wayback extension is currently being upgraded to be based on the PMHC
Version 4.0 specification. Further advice will be provided when the upgraded
specification is released regarding recording of Psychosocial episodes.
The following improvements have been made for uploads:
- Uploads in the HeadToHelp 3.0 specification will generate an error if any
IAR-DST measures exist for episodes that are not in the intake context.
- Uploads in the PMHC 2.0 or WayBack 3.0 specification will allow existing
episodes to change their Principal Focus of Treatment plan to the
“Psychosocial” response.
The following improvements have been implemented in reporting:
- The headers in the CSV format for the I series reports were not formatting correctly
- The PMHC option has been temporarily reinstated in the Data Source option.
Note: In a future release, selection of multiple data sources will be enabled
and the PMHC option will be removed again.
The following bug fixes have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Date picker no longer auto displays when hovering over a date field
- Duplicate a service contact was not prefilling the two practitioner fields
- Inactive practitioners selection was missing from the service contact add/edit forms
- Service contact Start Time was not displaying for “!wayback” tagged episodes
- Fixed an internal error for some data entry
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
Update to the PMHC MDS - 21/8/2022
August 22, 2022
PMHC MDS Update v2.0.4
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v2.0.4 was released on
August 22, 2022.
The following bugfixes have been applied:
- The program type applied to head to help episodes during the migration to
version 4 was incorrect. These have now been corrected to have a program
type of
2: Head To Health
The following changes have been implemented in the reports interface:
Organisation type referred to at Episode conclusion
has been added to the
A4 and B2 reports
Start Time
has been added to the A5 and B3 reports
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- The Suicide Referral icon was showing on summary details for episodes
where the Suicide Referral flag was not recorded as
1: Yes
- Intake-Episode data was not displayed when an episode had the tag !covid19
- The ‘Roles of Assigned Users’ tab was not showing the correct roles
- The ‘Duplicate’ button was missing from the Service Contact ‘View Details’ tab
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
PMHC MDS - Release of Version 4 for Upload and Data Entry - 14/08/2022 (v2.0.1)
August 15, 2022
PMHC MDS - Release of Version 4 for Upload and Data Entry
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v2.0.1 was released on
August 14, 2022.
Version 4 of the data specification is now available through Data Entry,
Upload and Data Extracts in the PMHC MDS.
Version 4.0 introduces the recording of intake related activity (including
activity for the Head to Health and AMHC programmes) in the PMHC MDS as part
of the core specification. Please refer to the Department of Health Circular at
and the Introduction section of the Version 4 specification at
for overviews of the new specification.
Existing data entered using the HeadtoHelp Version 3 specification has been
migrated to the Version 4 specification. You may wish to review your data.
Data Entry
The following changes have been made in the Data Entry interface:
In order to support the Intake concept three records have been added:
- For the Intake context - Intake, IAR-DST
- For the Treatment context - Intake Episode
- All three records are required in the combined Intake/Treatment context
The following new fields have been added to the Episode record:
- Program Type
- Organisation type referred to at Episode conclusion
The following field has been retired from the Episode record:
The 8: Psychosocial Support response has been removed from the Principal
Focus of Treatment Plan. Psychosocial intakes and episodes should now be
reported using the Psychosocial response on Program Type on the Intake and
The data model has been upgraded to allow multiple practitioners to be
associated with a Service Contact. To support this, an extra record,
Service Contact Practitioner has been introduced
The following new fields have been added to the Service Contact record:
- Start Time
- Funding Source
Uploads now support the Version 4.0.0 data specification as documented at
Uploads in the HeadtoHelp Version 3 specification will be converted to Version
4 during upload.
Please refer to
for a description of the changes between the core Version 2 specification and
the new core Version 4 specification.
Steps required to upgrade uploads from pre Version 4 based specifications are
documented at
The Data Source selector on the reporting interface has been expanded to include:
- Flexible Funding Pool
- Head to Health
- Psychosocial
- Bushfire 20
- hAPI (headspace)
The following new reports have been implemented:
Further reports relevant to the new Version 4 data model are currently being developed.
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
PMHC MDS outage scheduled for Sunday 14th August 2022 - 12/08/2022
August 12, 2022
PMHC MDS outage scheduled for Sunday 14th August 2022
We will be migrating data for the Version 4 release on the evening of
Sunday 14th August 2022. The PMHC MDS may be unavailable for several hours
during this period.
If you are planning on uploading or entering any data this weekend, we advise
you to complete your work on Saturday.
Thank-you for your patience whilst this work is carried out.
PMHC MDS Department of Health Circular - 10/08/2022
August 10, 2022
Update to the release date of the PMHC MDS Version 4 specification
Information about the update of the release date of Version 4 for the PMHC MDS was sent
to PHN CEO’s in the Department of Health’s circular on 19/9/2021.
This circular has now been published at:
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
Update to the release date of the PMHC MDS Version 4 specification
August 09, 2022
The below circular was sent to PHN CEOs on Tuesday 9 August 2022.
The Department is advising of an amended release date of the version 4 specification for the Primary Mental Health Care Minimum Data Set (PMHC-MDS). The new release date will occur on or before the 26th of August.
The Department does not expect this to impact data collection and reporting. The attached document provides a detailed summary.
Please direct any queries to Logicly at
PHN CEO Circular 2022/09– August 2022
Update to the release date of the PMHC MDS Version 4 specification
This circular provides an update to guidance sent to PHNs on 29 July 2022 regarding the upcoming release of the Version 4 (v4) Primary Mental Health Care Minimum Data Set (PMHC-MDS) specification. The information outlined in this circular applies to all Primary Health Networks (PHNs).
Changed release date
In a previous circular to PHNs, the Department advised the v4 release would be in the week of 1 August 2022. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the release has been updated to occur on or before 26 August 2022. PHNs will be notified of the system release through a system release communication via Logicly.
The Department does not expect this to impact PHN data collection and reporting capabilities during this time. To support PHNs, the Department is preparing to engage with the PMHC Data Reference Group to discuss technical elements on upgrading to v4.
If you have any concerns about the updated release date, please contact the Department via
For technical support, please contact Logicly at
PMHC MDS Department of Health Circular - 29/07/2022
August 01, 2022
New version 4 specification for Primary Mental Health Care data (PMHC MDS)
Information about the release of Version 4 for the PMHC MDS was sent
to PHN CEO’s in the Department of Health’s circular on 29/7/2021.
This circular has now been published at:
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
PMHC MDS Version 4.0 Data Specification - 29/7/2022
July 29, 2022
PMHC MDS Version 4.0 Data Specification
The PMHC MDS Version 4.0.0 Data Specification has been published at
In the week of 1 August 2022, the PMHC MDS data entry interface will be
updated to reflect the Version 4.0 specification and the HeadtoHelp
components of the data entry interface will no longer be available.
At this time the PMHC MDS will accept the following upload formats:
- Version 2
- headspace Version 2 (only to be used by headspace Head Office)
- HeadtoHelp Version 3
- The Way Back Support Service Version 3
- Version 4
The Version 2 and HeadtoHelp Version 3 specifications will continue to be
supported until 31 January 2023. The new Version 4 specification supports
all data currently submittable under Version 2 and HeadtoHelp Version 3.
Therefore, as of 1 February 2023 Version 2 and HeadtoHelp Version 3 will
be retired and the PMHC MDS will no longer support uploads in these formats.
The Way Back Support Service Version 3 specification is in the process of
being upgraded to be based off of the Version 4 specification. Further
announcements will be made regarding retirement of this Version 3 specification.
No changes are currently proposed for headspace Version 2.
A summary of the changes between version 2.0 and 4.0 and the steps required
to upgrade is available at
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
FOR ACTION: New version 4 specification for Primary Mental Health Care data (PMHC MDS)
July 29, 2022
The below circular was sent to PHN CEOs on Friday 29 July 2022.
The Department is advising of the upcoming release of the version 4 specification for the Primary Mental Health Care Minimum Data Set (PMHC-MDS) during the week of 1 August 2022. PHNs are required to upgrade to this version within six months of the release.
The Department has prepared a document that provides overall guidance, a summary of changes, and steps to upgrade to the version 4 specification (see attached).
Please direct any queries to Logicly at
PHN CEO Circular 2022/03– July 2022
Upcoming release of new PMHC MDS specification
This circular provides guidance about an upcoming release of the Version 4 (v4) Primary Mental Health Care Minimum Data Set (PMHC-MDS) specification. The information outlined in this circular applies to all Primary Health Networks (PHNs).
To support this change, PHNs are asked to:
- Ensure relevant staff and provider organisations are aware of the upcoming v4 release and are subscribed to receive communications from Logicly’s PMHC MDS support service if they don’t already have a login to the PMHC MDS.
- Prepare to transition data collection and upload arrangements in line with the new v4 specification within six months of the release during week of 1 August 2022.
PHNs will be notified of the system release through a system release communication via Logicly. The Department and Logicly have conducted extensive preparation to facilitate the v4 release in consultation with PMHC MDS Data Reference Group. We have automated as much of the process as possible and this circular outlines actions we require of PHNs.
Information materials are available from Logicly’s PMHC MDS support service at: For technical support, please contact Logicly at
Key changes
In November 2021, the Department commenced consultation with PHNs through the PMHC MDS Data Reference Group to develop and refine a new PMHC MDS specification (v4) that improves the data collection for PHN commissioned mental health services. Key changes are outlined in Attachment A.
A summary of the changes and the steps necessary for PHNs to upgrade to v4 are available at
Steps to transition and upgrade
The v4 release will be in the week of 1 August 2022. To enable PHNs and provider organisations to successfully transition from current versions and extensions to v4, the transition of data collection and uploads must commence within six months of the release date in line with the new v4 specification. This may include upgrading Client Information Management Systems to collect new data such as program type and funding source. To effectively manage transition, data uploaded in existing versions and extensions will be instantly mapped to v4 when uploaded.
Additional information on steps required to upgrade from existing versions to v4 is outlined in Attachment B.
The Department is committed to ensuring the PMHC MDS supports all PHNs to collect and report their data consistently.
Attachment A – Key changes in the PMHC MDS v4 specification
This section describes key changes in the v4 specification. Please note it is not an exhaustive list of all changes. A list of definitions for the v4 data model and specification is available at
Intake record
The v4 specification introduces the concept of an intake that is modelled on the HeadtoHelp v3 specification. The intake record allows consistent collection and reporting on Intake and Initial Assessment and Referral (IAR) activity for all PHNs.
The Referred to Organisation Path field has been introduced to capture which PHN provider organisation an intake team referred a client to. Some intake services may refer a client to a PHN service across multiple PHN regions. To support collection of data for this field, PHNs should consider that their intake service providers may require access to a list of relevant Provider organisations’ Organisation Keys for PHN providers they may refer to.
The intake record also includes Referral Date and Suicide Risk Flag fields in addition to existing fields in Episode record. The Department recognises this may have implications for the calculation of the Suicide Risk follow up indicator in future. Currently, the calculation and data assessed for that indicator will not change for 2021-22 and 2022-23 performance reporting.
Funding source
The v4 specification introduces a Funding Source field to be collected for each service contact. The Department is moving towards enabling reporting by funding stream. The introduction of this field is also a first step toward development of an efficiency indicator to support the development of key performance indicators for governments under the National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Agreement.
For the first 12 months the Department will analyse the new funding source data only for the purpose of understanding the application to, and relationship with, other data elements in the model, and possible reporting outcomes.
The Department encourages PHNs to communicate appropriate and accurate use of the Funding Source field to service providers through their commissioning arrangements.
Program type
The introduction of the Program Type field allows PHNs and provider organisations to record the type of PHN mental health program that an episode is wholly or primarily delivered through. Combining this information with Funding Source supports improved visibility of integrated commissioning approaches to PHN mental health services.
This is the hierarchy of variables that Logicly will use to map existing records to a Program Type category:
- Any episodes with
tag will be mapped to “Head to Health”
- Any unmapped episodes with
tag will be mapped to “AMHC”
- Any unmapped episodes with
tag will be mapped to “Bushfire Recovery”
- Any unmapped episodes with Principal Focus of Treatment “Psychosocial” will be mapped to “Psychosocial”
- Any remaining unmapped episodes will be mapped to “Flexible Funding Pool”
Practitioner data
The v4 specification will allow PHNs and provider organisations to record multiple practitioners for a service contact. To support this, we have introduced an additional Service Contact Practitioner record.
Program-specific considerations
Head to Health
From 1 July 2022, all PHNs are required to collect and report intake data, including Intake Assessment and Referral (IAR) score, for the national Head to Health Phone Service. To support data collection requirements under this program, PHNs are encouraged to transition to the v4 specification as soon as possible after the release date. Any PHNs using interim intake data collection and reporting arrangements should maintain these until they upgrade to v4.
National Psychosocial Support Services
The Continuity of Support (CoS) field will no longer be collected in the v4 specification. This follows the conclusion of the CoS funding and services on 30 June 2022.
To date, psychosocial program data has been identified using the Principal Focus of Treatment Plan (PFOT) “Psychosocial” category. This PFOT category will no longer be collected in the v4 specification. Instead, PHNs and provider organisations can indicate an episode is delivered through the National Psychosocial Support Service scheme through the Program Type field.
Psychosocial will still be a valid PFOT under existing versions of the PMHC MDS.
Through planned migration, any historical or new records that utilise the Psychosocial PFOT will be mapped to this Program Type field under the v4 specification.
The Way Back
Impacts to data upload requirements for The Way Back program to be compatible with v4 are being resolved between the Department and Logicly. For the time being, the existing upload arrangements can continue. The Department will provide further advice to PHNs regarding the use of v4 with The Way Back extension.
Attachment B – Steps to upgrade from existing versions to v4
PMHC-MDS data entry interface will be updated to reflect the v4 specification and the HeadtoHelp components of the data entry interface will no longer be available.
For a six-month period from the v4 release date, the PMHC-MDS will still be able to accept the following upload formats:
- v2
- headspace v2 (only to be used by headspace National Office)
- HeadtoHelp v3 extension
- The Way Back Support Service v3 extension
For technical support, please contact Logicly at
Version 2
To upgrade from v2 uploads to v4 uploads, PHNs must ensure that measure keys supplied in v4 uploads match measure keys already stored in uploads submitted PMHC MDS. For an explanation of the different options available please refer to steps required to upgrade from v2 to v4 uploads, available at
Migration of data from legacy specifications
To effectively manage transition, data uploaded in existing versions and extensions will be instantly mapped to v4 when uploaded. For historical data, Logicly will conduct a point-in-time migration of stored v2 or v3 data to the new v4 format while rolling out the v4 release.
PMHC MDS Upcoming Updates - 30/6/2022
June 30, 2022
PMHC MDS Upcoming Updates
Login changes
The PMHC MDS is in the process of being upgraded to support Multi Factor
Authentication (MFA). In preparation for MFA the PMHC MDS login screen will
shortly change. It will be Logicly branded and served from the domain
This is an example screenshot of the new login screen:

Monthly user audit reminder notification
In order to ensure that users who no longer require access to the PMHC MDS have had their access removed, users with the User Management role should periodically review all PMHC users for their organisation. Removing users who no longer require access improves the safety of your data by preventing unauthorised updates.
To prompt this process, we are pleased to announce that a monthly ‘PMHC-MDS User Audit Reminder Notification’ email will be sent to users with the User Management role.
The email will request that you review your PMHC MDS users and remove any users who no longer require access.
For PMHC MDS Production users, the email will be sent on the first Monday of each month and request that users go to
For PMHC MDS Developers users, the email will be sent on the fourth Monday of each month and request that users go to
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
Update to the PMHC MDS and release of the K10+/K5/SDQ in the Online Measures Self Service System - 3/6/2022
June 03, 2022
PMHC MDS Update v1.17.0
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.17.0 was released on June 3, 2022.
The following new functionality has been implemented:
The following bugfixes have been implemented:
- Fixed an error when inviting an existing PMHC MDS user with an expired
password to new organisations.
Online Measures Self Service System
The Online Measures Self Service System (OMSSS) is a service funded by the
Australian Government Department of Health as part of the Primary Mental
Health Care Minimum Data Set (PMHC MDS). It allows clients of mental health
services commissioned by Primary Health Networks (PHNs) to complete the
standardised outcome measures mandated in the PMHC MDS and have the results
reported back to their service providers.
The K10+, K5 and SDQ are now available through the OMSSS.
See more at
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
FOR ACTION: Updates to Head to Health and Adult Mental Health Centre PMHC MDS requirements
June 01, 2022
The below circular was sent to PHN CEOs on Wednesday 1 June 2022.
PHN CEO Circular 2022/02 – June 2022
Head to Health data in PMHC MDS
The actions outlined in this circular only apply to Primary Health Networks (PHNs) funded to deliver COVID-19 Head to Health services (mental health ‘pop-up clinics’) and/or Adult Mental Health Centre (AMHC) services.
This circular provides guidance about Primary Mental Health Care Minimum Data Set (PMHC-MDS) data reporting for COVID-19 Head to Health services and Adult Mental Health Centre (AMHC) services.
The department requires PHNs to:
- Correct data quality issues recently identified in data collected through the PMHC-MDS Head to Health (HtH) extension. These issues will need to be addressed by 1st July 2022 to enable the transition to PMHC-MDS version 4 from 1 Aug 2022. The department has introduced a new data item to support affected PHNs to address the data quality issues.
- Adjust the requirement for coding Principal Focus of Treatment (PFOT) for COVID-19 Head to Health and AMHC services.
For technical support please contact Logicly via
1. Head to Health extension
The PMHC MDS-Head to Health (HtH) extension was developed to support PHN data collection of COVID-19 Head to Health ‘pop-up’ clinic activity in Victoria, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory as part of the Australian Government’s response to the mental health impact of COVID-19. Currently, 14 PHNs are using the HtH extension.
PHNs are currently expected to link data for clients that proceed from intake to receiving PHN mental health services.
Action by the 14 participating PHNs is requested to be completed by 1st July 2022. The department recognises this is an unplanned and time sensitive exercise that requires unexpected resourcing from the 14 PHNs and their service providers collecting HtH data.
Technical instructions for participating PHNs are outlined in Attachment A. The department will work closely with Logicly and PHNs to support and guide this process.
2. Principal focus of treatment plan
Previous guidance required PFOT to be coded as ‘other’ for COVID Head to Health services. The department has changed this rule and now requires PFOT to be coded according to the same definitions used for all other PHN commissioned mental health services.
Action by PHNs is requested to be completed by 31 August 2022. Technical instructions for participating PHNs are outlined in Attachment B.
Attachment A – Technical guidance: Head to Health PMHC MDS extension
Current issues
In preparing for the migration, data quality issues with the HtH extension have been identified that make the planned data migration unable to be completed. Interim changes are proposed to reduce the risk of misrepresenting Intake activity and Episode activity in PMHC-MDS data once it is migrated to v4. This also reduces the risk of activity counts being inaccurate and unreliable for reporting purposes. Going forward, the v4 specification resolves this as it adds an explicit Intake record.
To effectively manage transition from current PMHC MDS specifications to v4, data uploaded in the HtH extension will be instantly mapped to v4. The department anticipates the release of v4 at the end of July 2022. PHNs will receive additional information about v4 in June.
The HtH extension uses episodes in two contexts:
- Intake context – includes intake information, Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool (IAR-DST) measure, but no other outcome measures or service contacts.
- Hub context – includes full episode details, recorded service contacts, outcome measures, but no IAR-DST.
Overview of proposed solution
A solution to resolve current data quality issues with the HtH extension includes:
Completion of new context field for all episodes
The department requires that the below steps are actioned by each of the 14 participating PHNs by no later than by 1st July 2022.
- Logicly will release the context field to production on 3 June 2022 and set the value of the context field for existing episodes as per the rules outlined below.
- Between 3 June 2022 and 1 July 2022, all organisations owning data utilising the Head to Health (HtH) extension are required to review all of their data and ensure that the context field is correctly set unless the data is otherwise able to be rectified and clearly identified as Intake context or Episode context without use of the new Context field.
- The context field will be used to migrate existing episodes that represent intakes into actual v4 Intake records. It is therefore important that this information is correct.
- When performing the v4 migration any episodes where the context is still set to ‘Unknown’ will remain as episodes and their context will still be set to ‘Unknown’. If any of these records are later determined to be Intake records they will need to be deleted and re-added as an Intake.
- For any organisations wishing to review their data prior to 1 June 2022, please contact to request a breakdown of episode keys and the context to which they will be mapped.
- Please contact with any other questions or requests for assistance.
Rules for classifying Intake and Hub Episodes
The context field on existing records will be set according to the following rules. The order of these rules is important. Note that all elements in a set of dot points must apply except where they are explicitly separated by an “or”.
A HtH episode will be mapped to an Intake context when:
- It has a linked HtH Episode
- HtH Episode - Intake Organisation Path and HtH Episode - Intake Episode Key are both null
- There are no Service Contacts linked to the episode
- There is an IAR-DST linked to the episode
- There are no other measures linked to the episode
A HtH episode will be mapped to Hub context with linkage to an existing HtH episode with Intake context when:
- There are Service Contacts linked to the episode
- There is no IAR-DST linked to the episode
- HtH Episode - Intake Organisation Path and HtH Episode - Intake Episode Key both contain valid values to records that exist in the PMHC MDS and does not link to itself
A HtH episode will be mapped to a Hub context without linkage to an existing HtH episode with Intake context when:
- There are Service Contacts linked to the episode
- There is no IAR-DST linked to the episode
- One or both of HtH Episode - Intake Organisation Path and HtH Episode - Intake Episode Key contain valid values
- There are no Service Contacts linked to the episode
- There is no IAR-DST linked to the episode
- One or both of HtH Episode - Intake Organisation Path and HtH Episode - Intake Episode Key contain valid values
- There are non IAR-DST measures linked to the episode
- There are Service Contacts linked to the episode
- HtH Episode - Intake Organisation Path and HtH Episode - Intake Episode Key are both null
- There is no IAR-DST linked to the episode
A HtH episode will be split and mapped to both a HtH Intake context episode and a linked HtH Hub context episode when:
- There are Service Contacts linked to the episode
- There is an IAR-DST linked to the episode
- HtH Episode - Intake Organisation Path and HtH Episode - Intake Episode Key both contain valid values
- HtH Episode - Intake Organisation Path and HtH Episode - Intake Episode Key attempts to link to records that do not exist in the PMHC MDS or links to itself
A HtH episode will be mapped to Hub context with linkage to an existing HtH episode with Intake context when:
- There are no Service Contacts linked to the episode
- There is no IAR-DST linked to the episode
- HtH Episode - Intake Organisation Path and HtH Episode - Intake Episode Key both contain valid values to records that exist in the PMHC MDS and does not link to itself
Otherwise, the context of the HtH episode will be set to ‘Unknown’.
Following this:
Organisations that are clearly operating as “Hub only” (all HtH episodes map to Hub or Unknown using the above rules) will have the context of all their HtH episodes set to Hub.
Organisations that are clearly operating as “Intake only” (all HtH episodes map to Intake or Unknown using the above rules) will have the context of all their HtH episodes set to Intake.
Attachment B – Technical guidance: Principal focus of treatment
Current issues
Previous definitions on the PMHC-MDS website advised that HtH pop up episodes should use the principal focus of treatment plan (PFOT) ‘Other’.
Overview of proposed solution
To manage data entry at intake (where PFOT may not yet be determined), the department has updated the definition so that:
- Other’ should only be selected for intake episodes and
PFOT to be coded according to the same definitions used for all other PHN commissioned mental health services.
Actions required by PHNs
Where PHNs have used the ‘Other’ PFOT for HtH pop up or Adult Mental Health Centre (AMHC) episodes, the department requests PHNs amend all historical HtH or AMHC program data to reflect the most appropriate PFOT (e.g. Psychological therapies or low intensity etc) by 31 August 2022.
FOR INFORMATION: June 1 2022 release of the Online Measures Self Service System (OMSSS)
May 25, 2022
The below circular was sent to PHN CEOs on Wednesday 25 May 2022.
PHN CEO Circular 2022/01 – May 2022
Online Measures Self Service System (OMSSS)
This paper outlines the release of the Online Measures Self Service System (OMSSS), and how it can be used to collect outcome measures for clients of Primary Health Network (PHN) commissioned mental health services. This system is available for all PHN commissioned services to use from 1 June 2022. PHNs are not required to use the OMSSS – it is an optional tool available to PHNs to support the collection of outcome measures for clinical care and service improvement.
1. Overview
1.1. What is the Online Measures Self Service System (OMSSS)?
The OMSSS is an online service funded by the Australian Government Department of Health (the department) as part of the Primary Mental Health Care Minimum Data Set (PMHC MDS). It allows clients of PHN-commissioned mental health services to complete the standardised outcome measures mandated in the PMHC MDS and have the results reported back to their service providers.
The OMSSS offers flexibility in the way that outcome measures are collected, making it more accessible to service consumers who will be able to complete the information on their own devices, at a time that suits them. The system can replace the current ‘paper and pencil’ systems in place in many organisations. It is also adaptable to the existing processes of each provider organisation, integrating with a range of local third-party client information management systems (CIMS) via an Application Programming Interface (API). More information is available at the OMSSS REST API website:
Subject to the permitted uses described below, the OMSSS can be used by PHNs and their commissioned provider organisations to collect any of the following outcome measures mandated in the PMHC MDS: Kessler 5 (K5), Kessler 10 Plus (K10+), Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Additionally, the YES PHN survey can be collected through the OMSSS. Information about these measures can be found at:
1.2. How does OMSSS work?
The OMSSS is accessed by clients of PHN-commissioned mental health services and used to enter outcome measures, for example the Kessler-10 Plus (K10+). The item scores are automatically totalled and made available to the PMHC MDS or the provider’s CIMS. It should be noted that the item scores and totals will only be uploaded into a provider’s CIMS if the CIMS have been integrated with the OMSSS using the API. The information can also be provided in a report to the relevant service provider. This automation reduces the administrative workload of clinical staff and minimises the chance of errors.
1.4. Features and benefits
Regular monitoring by service providers of client outcomes using standardised measures is critical to informing treatment decisions and ongoing dialogue between service providers and their clients. Reporting on client outcomes is a fundamental requirement of the PMHC MDS, and the OMSSS has been developed to support regular collection with the following features and benefits:
- Enables clients to complete measures in their own time and on their own device which may
improve completion rates
- Provide greater insight into clients’ progress and the efficacy of treatments
- Flexibility for the OMSSS to be implemented in a way that suits the provider’s
ways of working and preferred approach to client completion of measures
- Flexibility regarding the treatment of completed questionnaires. Subscales
can be uploaded to the PMHC MDS, the provider’s own CIMS (if integrated
with the OMSSS using the API), and reports can be emailed directly to the
relevant practitioner
- Significant reduction in data entry for staff, and
- Automated scoring and integration with the PMHC MDS / CIMS reduce the risk
of data entry and scoring errors.
Licensing arrangements and permitted use
PHNs and their commissioned Provider Organisations can use the OMSSS to collect the mandated outcome measures free of charge when the service provided to the client has been commissioned by the relevant PHN. At this stage, no other use of the OMSSS is permitted. A wider application of OMSSS in primary mental health care may be considered in the future.
2.1. K10+ and K5
Both the K10+ and K5 measures are in the public domain and may be used freely provided the author is properly referenced. Each of these measures is used widely throughout Australia with no restrictions on their incorporation in electronic data collection systems.
2.2. SDQ
The SDQ measures, authored by Dr Robert Goodman, are copyright protected with the UK-based Youthinmind organisation ( Specific conditions are attached to use of the SDQ measures, detailed at These include the requirement that no modifications are made to the content in any way. Paper versions may be downloaded and copied without charge, subject to adherence to this condition.
The Australian Government Department of Health has entered into a licence agreement with Youthinmind to enable inclusion of the SDQ measures within the OMSSS. This enables PHNs and commissioned providers to use the electronic data collection, scoring and upload arrangements but only in the context of delivery of mental health care services that have been commissioned by PHNs. Further details in relation to licensed uses are described below.
The department is aware of a range of proprietary CIMS are in use by private practising providers and organisations in Australia. Any licensing agreement for use of the SDQ within these systems for purposes other than PMHC MDS collection and reporting is a matter that must be separately negotiated between the software owners and Youthinmind. Additionally, the department is aware that many individual Australian mental health practitioners make use of the functionality offered by Youthinmind, including MySDQ, SDQPlus and SDQScore. Responsibility for ensuring compliance with Youthinmind requirements for each of these functions rests with the individual practitioners and their parent organisations.
The YES PHN survey has now been included into the PMHC MDS data model and into the OMSSS. YES PHN data is not linked to client or episode records to adhere with the protocol for use and implementation of the YES PHN survey outlined in the guidance (available at This includes assurance to the client that the results are anonymous and administering organisations will not be able to identify both if their client has completed a YES PHN survey, or their scores.
4. Data Security and Privacy
Client privacy is critical. It is the responsibility of PHNs, service providers, and the department to ensure client information is managed appropriately and in accordance with respective obligations under legislation and the Australian Privacy Principles. Personal information of clients, and the results of their measures will be sent only to their health care provider. All entered data are communicated and stored in compliance with Australian privacy and data security legislation. This includes encrypting all information in transit and ensuring that only appropriate and approved people have access to that information.
The collection of client measures through the OMSSS as implemented by the PMHC MDS complies with the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles. Organisations utilising the OMSSS API to collect measures directly are responsible for ensuring appropriate privacy requirements are complied with.
Information is stored in OMSSS only while it is in use and for a limited time. Collection data can only be submitted up to 7 days after the record has been created and after a collection has been submitted. The results are only stored for a maximum of 7 days. All data except logs are automatically deleted after a period of 7 days, and can also be deleted earlier at the request of the integrator. Results pertaining to deleted data will be inaccessible after deletion, and the retained logs do not contain any personally identifying information.
For more about client consent and privacy, please visit and
It is essential that clients are told about the reasons for the request and who the information is being requested by prior to receiving a request to complete an outcome measure through the OMSSS. When a collection is requested through the PMHC MDS, or a client email or SMS is provided to OMSSS when using the OMSSS API, the following wording will be used in the invitation that is sent to the client. Where a client email or SMS is not provided via the OMSSS API, the Department suggests the wording below as a basis for PHNs to use, or promote to commissioned providers to use, in informing clients. PHNs and service providers may vary the wording to suit their requirements, or embed them in existing client information documents they have prepared locally. The wording differs slightly depending on whether the measure selected is to be completed by the client about themselves (the K10+ and K5, SDQ for youth) or whether it completed by parents/guardians in respect of children under their care (SDQ for children).
Suggested wording for email invitations to complete K-10+, K-5, SDQ youth version
As part of receiving services, <Practitioner name> is inviting you to complete a brief questionnaire at <OMSSS link> about aspects of your current mental wellbeing. The information you provide will be used by your health practitioner to better understand your situation and inform the discussions you have with them about your needs. You might be asked to complete the questionnaire at various times throughout the care that you receive. This will help you and your health practitioner to monitor progress and adjust your treatment to best meet your needs.
You can complete the questionnaire in your own time and on your own device (e.g., tablet, home computer, smart phone).
It is up to you whether to complete the questionnaire, your health practitioner encourages you to do so. The information you provide goes directly to your health practitioner. Along with other information collected during treatment, the data are kept in your clinical record maintained by your health practitioner.
Some of that data may be provided on an anonymous basis to the Primary Health Network (PHN) that is paying your health practitioner for the services you receive, and to the Australian Government Department of Health, for evaluation purposes to improve mental health services. Your health practitioner can advise you further about how your information is used and how your privacy is protected under the Commonwealth’s Privacy Act 1988.
Suggested wording for email invitations to parents/guardians to complete SDQ child version
As part of your child receiving services, <Practitioner name> is inviting you to complete a brief questionnaire at <OMSSS link> about aspects of their current behaviour and wellbeing. The information you provide will be used by <Practitioner name> to better understand your child’s situation and inform the discussions they have with them. You might be asked to complete the questionnaire at various times throughout the care that your child receives. This will help you and your child’s health practitioner to monitor progress and adjust treatment to best meet your child’s needs.
You can complete the questionnaire in your own time and on your own device (e.g., tablet, home computer, smart phone).
It is up to you whether to complete the questionnaire, your child’s health practitioner encourages you to do so. The information you provide goes directly to your child’s health practitioner. Along with other information collected during treatment, the data are kept in the clinical record maintained by your child’s health practitioner.
Some of that data may be provided on an anonymous basis to the Primary Health Network (PHN) that is paying your health practitioner for the services your child receives, and to the Australian Government Department of Health, for evaluation purposes to improve mental health services. Your child’s health practitioner can advise you further about how their information is used and how their privacy is protected under the Commonwealth’s Privacy Act 1988.
Suggested wording for SMS invitations to complete K-10+, K-5, SDQ youth version
Please complete the measure at <OMSSS link> before attending your appointment with/at <Provider name>. More information about this measure can be found at <Client guidance information link>.
Suggested wording for SMS invitations to parents/guardians to complete SDQ child version
Please complete the measure at <OMSSS link> before attending your child’s appointment with/at <Provider name>. More information about this measure can be found at <Client guidance information link>.
PMHC MDS outage scheduled for 6am AEST Thursday 26th May 2022
May 19, 2022
PMHC MDS outage scheduled for 6am AEST Thursday 26th May 2022
We will be performing maintenance on part of our infrastructure on Thursday
26th May 2022 between 6:00am and 7:00am AEST.
We do not expect the outage to be longer than 30 minutes.
If you are planning on uploading or entering any data during this time, we
advise you to complete your work before 6:00am AEST.
Thank-you for your patience whilst this work is carried out.
PMHC MDS - Domain name change - whitelisting required
May 05, 2022
Dear All,
As part of our transition to Logicly we’re updating our systems to be
accessible under the and domains, rather than
The domain will cease to be active on 31st May 2022.
If your organisation is whitelisting our domains to permit access to our
applications please contact your IT department to request that they add the and domains. This is important to ensure your
uninterrupted access. Note that we have no way of knowing if this is the case.
If you are unsure, your IT department can assist.
While the domain will remain registered and under our
control for the foreseeable future we will no longer be exposing any
application related content on that domain once our transition to the logicly
domains is complete.
Kind regards,
The Logicly team
Update to the PMHC MDS - 31/3/2022
March 31, 2022
PMHC MDS Update v1.15.7
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.15.7 was released on
March 31, 2022.
The following new validation has been implemented:
All entity key fields (Organisation Key, Practitioner Key, Client Key, etc)
must start with a POSIX alphanumeric character (A-Za-z0-9)
Some organisations have a small number of records that break this new
rule by starting entity keys with one of the characters [#-.`’+$”%_:] These
will cause issues if the data is modified. Please contact for assistance.
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
Update to the PMHC MDS - 12/12/2021
December 12, 2021
PMHC MDS Update v1.14.5
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.14.5 was released on
December 12, 2021.
The following functionality has been implemented in the Tools menu:
- Added the User Auditing tab. This tab allows users with the User Management
role to review users who have not recently logged in to the PMHC MDS.
The following enhancements have been added to the Data Entry interface:
- Added help links on all measure items.
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
Introducing Logicly - Strategic Data's new chapter
November 29, 2021
As you know,
Strategic Data is the team behind the Primary Mental
Health Care Minimum Data Set (PMHC MDS),
developed on behalf of the Department of Health.
We’re getting in touch to let you know that we’re rebranding - Strategic Data will soon become Logicly.
introduces its new chapter

What changes for you?
Nothing, really. The support email for PMHC MDS will still be and you'll be working with the same team who will continue to provide the same level of support and advice that we've always delivered.
Our approach to working with you won't change - the new name is a better representation of the evolution that has already happened.
Why did we change our name?
Logicly is more than just a new business name, it’s a recognition of how far we’ve come in our 25 years of business. We’ve transformed our approach, built a tried and tested process, and grown our skill set so that we’re less about managing data and more about solving complex information challenges.
Logicly is our new chapter. We know that we provide our greatest value when we partner with you to simplify complex information problems and co-design high quality, purpose-specific applications. And we achieve this by approaching each aspect of our work logically.
Head to our website for more information on why Strategic Data is about to become Logicly, or give us a call on +61 3 9340 9000.
Thanks for being an important part of our journey, and our future.
Team Logicly
Update to the PMHC MDS - 26/11/2021
November 26, 2021
PMHC MDS Update v1.14.1
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.14.1 was released on
November 26, 2021.
The following functionality has been implemented in the data entry and
upload interfaces:
- The
reserved tag can now be applied to episode records.
The following functionality has been implemented in the user management
- An ‘Actions’ column has been added to the ‘Edit Roles’ tab. This allows
removal of all of a user’s roles at an organisation. This action will
also disable future password reminder prompts when the user doesn’t have
roles at another organisation.
- A user who has all their roles removed after this release, will no longer
be able to login.
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
Update to the PMHC MDS - 15/11/2021
November 15, 2021
PMHC MDS Update v1.13.4
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.13.4 was released on
November 15, 2021.
The following functionality has been implemented:
As previously announced, the following validation rules have now been
Upload API
We are pleased to announce that the PMHC MDS now supports an API for uploading
files to the PMHC MDS. Developers of Client Information Management Systems
(CIMS) can use the API to allow users to upload data to the PMHC MDS directly
from the CIMS instead of exporting a file and then logging into the PMHC MDS
to upload it.
Documentation is available at
Access to this service requires an API key. In order to obtain a key, please
Each integrator will be provided with their own unique API key which is
associated with a PMHC MDS user account and an organisation based “scope”.
The “scope” of the key and the roles the user is assigned in the PMHC MDS need
to match for the key to be valid. The scope is limited to one Provider
Organisation or PHN. An integrator will need to request multiple API keys if
they need access to upload across multiple Provider Organisations or multiple
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available
PMHC MDS notification of planned change to SIDAS outcome measures in uploads
September 17, 2021
PMHC MDS notification of planned change to SIDAS outcome measures in uploads
In the last week of October 2021, the PMHC MDS will be updated with a change
to SIDAS outcome measures in uploads.
The PMHC MDS has been changing SIDAS outcome measures, such that if item 1
has the value “0 – Never”, all other items are set to 0.
Between now and the end of October, the PMHC MDS will change all other items
to “98 - Not Required”, when item 1 has the value “0 – Never”. In the last
week of October, the PMHC MDS will be changed to enforce the validation rule:
- When item 1 has the value “0 - Never” all other items must be set to “98 - Not Required”
Therefore, when item 1 has the value “0 - Never” if any item has a value
other than “98 - Not Required” an error will be generated and the upload will fail.
PMHC MDS outage scheduled for 7am AEST Thursday 16th September 2021
September 15, 2021
PMHC MDS outage scheduled for 7am AEST Thursday 16th September 2021
We will be performing urgent maintenance on part of our infrastructure on
Thursday 16th September 2021 between 7:00am and 8:00am AEST.
We do not expect the outage to be longer than 10 minutes.
If you are planning on uploading or entering any data during this time, we
advise you to complete your work before 7:00am AEST.
Thank-you for your patience whilst this work is carried out.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 9/9/2021
September 09, 2021
PMHC MDS Update v1.12.1
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.12.1 was released on
September 9, 2021.
The following changes have been implemented in the reports interface:
- The estimated resident population figures used by the Acc-1, Acc-2, Acc-3
and App-1 reports have been updated to include data for each of the years
2017-2021. Reports will use the data from the year of the report, OR the
data from the most recent prior year if not available.
- Added a ‘View Report Code’ button to the results of reports using the PMHC
and hAPI data sources. This shows the underlying SQL that is used to
generate the report. Organisations who are trying to replicate the results
of reports locally can use this SQL to understand what data is being
included in each report.
- Added 2022 public holiday data for use in the Wayback reporting template.
The following changes have been implemented in the upload and data entry interfaces:
- Updated to v1.05 of the IAR-DST scoring inline with changes announced by
the Department of Health.
- Updated the SIDAS data entry form such that when item 1 - How often have
you had thoughts about suicide? - is
0: Never
, all other items are set
to 98: Not Required
The following bugfixes have been implemented:
- Outcome Measure date validation has been relaxed to allow an Outcome
Measure to be up to 7 days after the Episode End Date.
- Fixed an error that was being returned when a user at a PHN tried to
upload to an inactive Provider Organisation that was within the 3 month
grace period.
PMHC MDS notification of planned change to K10+ scoring calculation
August 30, 2021
Notification of planned change to the K10+ scoring calculation
In the last week of October 2021, the PMHC MDS will be updated with a
changed K10+ scoring algorithm.
The PMHC MDS has been scoring the K10+ using the following algorithm:
The Total score is computed as the sum of the scores for items 1 to 10. If
any item has not been completed (that is, has not been coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
it is excluded from the total with the proviso that a completed K10 with more
than one missing item is regarded as invalid.
Using this algorithm, a K10+ with one item missing and all other items scored
as 1 will be regarded as valid and have a total score of 9, however the K10+
Total Score is defined as being in the range 10-50.
To resolve this issue, the scoring for the K10+ will be changed to a
pro-rated approach so that the minimum total score is 10. The following
formula will be used:
Total score = round( sum of valid scores / 9 * 10 )
For more information please refer to page 58 of AMHOCN’s Overview of
clinician-rated and consumer self-report measures at
Uploads that provide both the item scores and the total score will need to be
updated to use the new algorithm. Alternatively, uploads could be updated to
provide item scores and a total score of 99. Where item scores are provided
with a total of 99 the PMHC MDS will calculate the total score.
Where item scores have been provided, existing data will be recalculated to
use the new scoring.
PMHC MDS outage scheduled for 7am AEST Monday 30th August 2021
August 27, 2021
PMHC MDS outage scheduled for 7am AEST Monday 30th August 2021
We will be performing maintenance on part of our infrastructure on Monday
30th August 2021 between 7:00am and 8:00am AEST.
We expect the outage to be brief, however the system could be interrupted
for up to 30 minutes.
If you are planning on uploading or entering any data during this time,
we advise you to complete your work before 7:00am AEST.
Thank-you for your patience whilst this work is carried out.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 24/6/2021
June 24, 2021
PMHC MDS Update v1.11.0
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.11.0 was released on June 14, 2021.
The following change has been implemented in the reports interface:
The following bugfix has been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Updated the guide descriptions when viewing a WHO-5.
PMHC MDS outage scheduled for 9pm AEST Thursday 10th June 2021
June 04, 2021
PMHC MDS outage scheduled for 9pm AEST Thursday 10th June 2021
PMHC MDS outage scheduled for 9pm AEST Thursday 10th June 2021
We will be upgrading part of our infrastructure on Thursday 10th June 2021
between 9:00pm and 10:00pm AEST.
We expect the outage to be brief, however the system could be interrupted
for up to an hour.
If you are planning on uploading or entering any data during this time, we
advise you to complete your work before 9:00pm AEST.
Thank-you for your patience whilst this work is carried out.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 10/5/2021
May 10, 2021
PMHC MDS Update v1.10.1
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.10.1 was released on
May 10, 2021.
The following feature has been implemented in the reports interface:
- A new report - G1: Residential Aged Care Facility Client Outcomes has been
added when the PMHC data source is selected. This report summarises activity
and outcomes for episodes delivered at least partly at residential aged care
Update to the PMHC MDS - 3/5/2021
May 03, 2021
PMHC MDS Update v1.10.0
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.10.0 was released on May 3,
The following feature has been implemented in the data entry interface:
- The tags input field will now offer suggestions for tags that have already
been used on the same entity type within the Provider Organisation.
The following bugfix has been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Fixed a bug where the start and end date filters were not working on
all Organisations tabs.
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available at:
HeadtoHelp -
The Way Back -
Update to the PMHC MDS - 13/4/2021
April 13, 2021
PMHC MDS Update v1.9.6
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.9.6 was released on
April 13, 2021.
The following bugfix has been implemented in the upload interface:
- Provide a more informative error when duplicate TWB Needs Identification
records are provided in the same upload.
The following bugfix has been implemented in the reports interface:
- Fixed a bug in the W1: Wayback quarterly reporting template where the
template could not be opened if strings containing the characters &<> were
part of the generated report.
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available at:
HeadtoHelp -
The Way Back -
Update to the PMHC MDS - 1/4/2021
April 01, 2021
PMHC MDS Update v1.9.4
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.9.4 will be released on
April 1, 2021.
The following functionality will be added to the reporting interface:
- Added ‘W3: Data Quality Report: Missing TWB Episode data’ has been added to
the Wayback reporting tab. This report can be used to monitor the quality of
TWB Episode data by showing the rate of unknown values associated with
fields on the TWB Episode record.
- Added ‘W4: Data Quality Report: Missing TWB Needs Identification and
Recommendation Outs’ has been added to the Wayback reporting tab. This
report can be used to monitor the quality of TWB Episode data by showing
the rate of TWB Episodes that do not have TWB Needs Identification and/or
Recommendation Out records associated with the TWB Episode.
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available at:
HeadtoHelp -
The Way Back -
Update to the PMHC MDS - 27/3/2021
March 27, 2021
PMHC MDS Update v1.9.2
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.9.2 was released on
March 27, 2021.
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the reporting interface:
- Fixed a bug where the Wayback Quarterly report (W1) always generated a
report for the last quarter, irrespective of the date range selected.
- Fixed a timeout in the A9 report.
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available at:
HeadtoHelp -
The Way Back -
Update to the PMHC MDS - 18/3/2021
March 18, 2021
PMHC MDS Update v1.9.0
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.9.0 was released on
March 18, 2021.
The following functionality has been added to the data entry interface:
- The data entry interface has been changed so that the user is presented
with a list of clients when they navigate to the data entry tab. Instead
of searching for a client, and then filtering, finding a client has been
reduced to a one step process of simply filtering.
- A ‘View Clients’ tab has been added to the ‘Practitioner Details’ tab to
allow viewing all the clients for a particular practitioner.
The following functionality has been added to the reporting interface:
- An extra report ‘W2: High level summary of overall volumes by entity has
been added to the Wayback reporting tab. This is a variation on the
‘A1: High level summary of overall volumes by entity’ report that is
tailored to filter on active episodes (episodes that have one or more
service contacts recorded in the period) that have an associated TWB
Episode record.
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available at:
HeadtoHelp -
The Way Back -
Update to the PMHC MDS and HeadtoHelp Data Specification- 25/2/2021
February 25, 2021
PMHC MDS Update v1.8.2
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.8.2 was released on
February 25, 2021.
The following functionality has been added to the data entry interface:
- Added Practitioner Level of Care to the IAR-DST Measure which can be
associated with a HeadtoHelp (!covid19) tagged episode.
The following functionality has been added to the upload interface:
- Added Practitioner Level of Care to the IAR-DST Measure which is required
when uploading using the HeadtoHelp Hubs v3 Specification.
The following improvement has been made in the reporting interface:
The following bug fix has been implemented in uploads:
- Fixed a bug in v3 specification uploads (The Way Back and HeadtoHelp)
where an appropriate error was not returned when checking the collection
occasion date against the episode end date.
The following bug fix has been implemented in data extracts:
- Fixed a bug where some keys were incorrectly being interpreted as a
scientific number causing an error in Excel.
HeadtoHelp Hubs Data Specification Update v3.0.2
We are also pleased to announce that the HeadtoHelp Data Specifications
update v3.0.2 was released on February 25, 2021. The following updates have
been implemented:
Data model and specifications
PMHC MDS Upload changes
We are also pleased to announce that changes have been made to improve the security
of PMHC MDS uploads.
Uploads will be rejected by our incoming data scanning system if they do not
meet the following requirements.
- Must be either an Excel Workbook (.xlsx),
- OR a zip (.zip) file containing CSV files,
- AND must be less than 512MB
The first and second of these requirements were enforced already however
files will be rejected at an earlier stage in the process after this update
and as a consequence the behaviour of the system when files are rejected for
this reason will be slightly different.
The file size restriction prevents our systems from becoming unstable if
extremely large files are uploaded. We will monitor if this limit causes
issues for anyone and adjust it if necessary.
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available at:
HeadtoHelp -
The Way Back -
Planned changes for PMHC MDS uploads - 25/2/2021
February 24, 2021
On the evening of 25 February 2021 changes will be made to improve the security
of PMHC MDS uploads.
Uploads will be rejected by our incoming data scanning system if they do not
meet the following requirements.
- Must be either an Excel Workbook (.xlsx),
- OR a zip (.zip) file containing CSV files,
- AND must be less than 512MB
The first and second of these requirements were enforced already however
files will be rejected at an earlier stage in the process after this update
and as a consequence the behaviour of the system when files are rejected for
this reason will be slightly different.
The file size restriction prevents our systems from becoming unstable if
extremely large files are uploaded. We will monitor if this limit causes
issues for anyone and adjust it if necessary.
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available at:
HeadtoHelp -
The Way Back -
Changes to HeadtoHelp Data Specification - Practitioner Level of Care - 23/2/2021
February 23, 2021
HeadtoHelp Hubs Data Specification v3.0.2
On 26 February 2021, a new field “Practitioner Level of Care” will be added
to the IAR-DST record of the HeadtoHelp Hubs PMHC MDS Extension.
In order to incorporate these changes, the upload specification for the
HeadtoHelp Hubs Data Specification will be updated.
A new field - Practitioner Level of Care - will be added to the IAR-DST record:
Description: The individualised level of care assessed by the practitioner for the referral
Field name: iar_dst_practitioner_level_of_care
Data type: string
Required: yes
- 1: Level 1 - Self Management
- 2: Level 2 - Low Intensity Services
- 3: Level 3 - Moderate Intensity Services
- 4: Level 4 - High Intensity Services
- 5: Level 5 - Acute and Specialist Community Mental Health Services
- 9: Missing
Existing IAR-DST data will have the Practitioner Level of Care set to 9: Missing.
All new data must use responses 1-5.
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available at:
HeadtoHelp -
The Way Back -
headspace data is now available through the PMHC MDS
February 19, 2021
As announced in the Department of Health’s circular on 16/2/2021, we are
pleased to announce that headspace data is now available through PMHC MDS
reports and data extracts.
For more information about the availability of headspace data in the PMHC
MDS please refer to the Department’s circular which has been published at
FOR INFORMATION: headspace data in the Primary Mental Health Care Minimum Data Set
February 16, 2021
The below circular was sent to PHN CEOs on Tuesday 16 February 2021.
Primary Mental Health Care Minimum Data Set Circular 2021/01 – January 2020
Availability of headspace data
This circular outlines the availability of headspace (hAPI) data in the Primary
Mental Health Care Minimum Data Set (PMHC MDS) for Primary Health Networks
(PHNs) from 19 February 2021. The data available will be from the period 2019-20.
The department has been working with headspace National (hN) and Strategic
Data to identify a technical solution to include hAPI data into the PMHC MDS.
The technical solution has been designed with the intent that:
- headspace National will upload consented data to the PMHC-MDS on behalf of
all headspace centres
- PHNs will be able to view aggregate data and download consented unit record
data for the services they commission from headspace centres
- The department will be able to view aggregate data and download consented
unit record data for all headspace centres
- Local headspace centres will be able to view aggregate data and download
consented unit record data for their activity
- Data will be uploaded quarterly and will be available within a month of the
quarter’s completion.
This circular outlines the key technical issues to consider when using
headspace data.
Access to and use of hAPI data
The PMHC MDS concept of an episode requires that all service contacts and
collection occasions for an episode must occur at the same provider
organisation. In the headspace context, this would mean that all occasions of
service for any single episode would have to be delivered at a single
headspace centre.
headspace has a different episode model that allows episodes to span multiple
provider organisations and even multiple PHNs (primarily through the
introduction of satellite centres). In order to support the headspace model,
the PMHC MDS headspace specification was designed to allow for
service contacts and collection occasions to be provided by a different
organisation to the organisation that initiated the episode.
The hAPI data is being made available in the PMHC MDS to support the
department, PHNs, hN and headspace centres in their role of monitoring and
reporting on delivery of primary mental health care.
hAPI data in PMHC MDS
There are a number of important factors to consider when reviewing hAPI data in the PMHC-MDS:
hAPI data in the PMHC MDS only includes consented records. Therefore,
a report drawn from the PMHC MDS will likely differ from the quarterly
activity reports provided by headspace National or the headspace Tableau
dashboards which include all records as they are reported at an aggregate
centre and/or PHN level rather than at the individual level. Similarly,
any report directly sourced from a headspace centre may also differ if
they have included all records in their report.
The headspace reports in tableau will continue to be available to PHNs and
will provide a full aggregated picture of activity at headspace centres.
For information regarding consent please refer to the headspace extranet
– ourspace, at
All data for an episode of care that has been delivered across multiple
headspace centres have been excluded from reports and data extracts. These
episodes represent a relatively small proportion of the total headspace
episodes (approximately 1%), however a limited number of centres and PHNs
will be more affected than others (particularly those with linked satellite
services). The Department will issue separate comms to the affected PHNs.
The Department is undertaking a review of the PMHC MDS episode model in
2021 to try and address this issue. In the meantime a new report has been
created, exclusively for hAPI data, that summarises the data excluded
because it is part of an episode delivered across multiple centres (report
A12, described below).
The Category A-C PMHC-MDS standard reports have been modified to allow for
headspace specific reports. The Category D: Key Performance Indicators and
Category E: Reports for data managers to monitor data supply series have
not been modified as they are not pertinent for headspace. The A5 and B3
reports have had an extra ‘Funding Source’ selector added when viewing
headspace data. Two new reports have been added – an A12 – Episodes shared
across multiple organisations and B7 – Activity Report – hAPI Funding
Source. Details about all reports are available at has
been updated to include headspace reports.
Recording headspace centre activity
With the availability of headspace centre data in the PMHC MDS, hAPI is the data
collection vehicle for all activity delivered in a headspace centre,
including services such as youth severe. As such, headspace centres will not
be required to submit data directly to the PMHC MDS for any activities
including those funded outside the core headspace contract. This is to
ensure headspace centres can meet their obligations and to avoid duplication
of records within the PMHC-MDS.
headspace centres
headspace centres will be able to view reports but will not be able to read or
edit the unit record level data in the PMHC MDS system – only hN will have
that capacity. headspace centres will be able to download a version of their
own data at the unit record level to use for their own local purposes (e.g.
into spreadsheets for analysis, etc).
hN will liaise with Strategic Data for each of the headspace centres to gain
access to the PMHC MDS to view reports for their activity.
Detailed specifications can be found on the PMHC MDS website
The Reports User Guide on the PMHC-MDS website at has been updated to include headspace
If you have any questions, please contact
General PMHC MDS – Strategic Data, (03) 9340 9000
hAPI collection – headspace National
headspace Tableau reporting – headspace National
Other queries? Department of Health mental health research and data
Update to the PMHC MDS - 7/2/2021
February 07, 2021
PMHC MDS Update v1.7.3
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.7.3 was released on February 7, 2021.
The following improvement has been made in the data extract interface:
- A new data extract interface has been implemented. This allows users to
filter/sort in order to find the organisation for which they wish to extract
data. In particular this will help users with access to a large number of
The following bug fix has been implemented in data extract:
- Fixed a bug where all data linked to an episode was not being included in
the data extract.
The following bug fix has been implemented in uploads:
- Fixed a bug involving collection occasion date bound checks in version 3
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available at:
HeadtoHelp -
The Way Back -
Update to the PMHC MDS and HeadtoHelp Data Specification- 31/1/2021
January 31, 2021
PMHC MDS Update v1.7.1
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.7.1 was released on January 31, 2021.
The following improvements have been made in data entry:
- Optimisations have been made to improve the speed of client search.
The following improvements have been made in uploads:
- Optimisations have been made to improve the speed of deletions.
The following bug fixes have been implemented in the reports interface:
- Fixed a bug where extraneous information was shown when changing the end date.
HeadtoHelp Data Specification Update v3.0.1
We are also pleased to announce that HeadtoHelp Data Specification Update
v3.0.1 was released on January 31, 2021. The following updates have been implemented:
Data model and specifications
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available at:
HeadtoHelp -
The Way Back -
Update to the PMHC MDS - 20/1/2021
January 20, 2021
PMHC MDS Update v1.6.1
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.6.1 was released on January 20, 2021.
The following features have been implemented:
- Help links have been added on all tabs.
The following improvements have been made in in data extracts:
- Optimisations have been made to improve the speed of creating data extracts.
- An extra option - Include all data associated with matched episodes - has
been added to the data extract tab. Previously data extracts would select all
service contacts between the two selected dates, get their episodes and other
associated entities, but there could be service contacts on those episodes
that are outside the selected dates. Those service contacts were not
included in the data extract. This new option allows you to include these
service contacts.
The following bug fixes have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Fixed a bug where service contact tags could not be edited.
The following bug fixes have been implemented in the upload interface:
- Validation on the
tag was relaxed so that it could continue to be
used with PMHC MDS version 2 standard uploads.
- Fixed a bug causing an error in The Way Back Support Service version 3.0
uploads where a TWB Plan or TWB NI was supplied without a matching TWB Episode record.
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available at:
HeadtoHelp -
The Way Back -
Update to the PMHC MDS - 13/1/2021
January 13, 2021
PMHC MDS Update v1.5.5
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.5.5 was released on January 12, 2021.
The following bug fixes have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Fixed a bug where the TWB Recommendation Outs Status values could not be
modified or added on the Episode edit details form
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available at:
HeadtoHelp -
The Way Back -
Update to the PMHC MDS - 23/12/2020
December 23, 2020
PMHC MDS Update v1.5.4
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.5.4 was released on December 23, 2020.
HeadtoHelp Hubs extension
The Primary Mental Health Care Minimum Data Set (PMHC MDS) has been extended to allow data collection for the HeadtoHelp Hubs programs. This extension is only to be used if your organisation is a HeadtoHelp Hubs intake or hub organisation.
The HeadtoHelp Hubs specification is available at
The PMHC MDS has been extended to allow upload, data entry and report filtering against this specification.
PHNs and their HeadtoHelp Hubs intake and hub provider organisations are able to either export data from their client systems and upload to the PMHC MDS or manually create spreadsheets that can then be uploaded. Example upload files are available in the HeadtoHelp Hubs Upload Specification at
Data may be uploaded in either Excel or CSV format.
There is a Developers PMHC MDS website available for testing/training purposes
for PHNs, Provider Organisations and third-party developers. See:
The HeadtoHelp Hubs data entry interface is also available. It allows users to manually enter HeadtoHelp Hubs data through online forms as an alternative to uploading a spreadsheet or file. The HeadtoHelp Hubs User Guide is available at Information on adding HeadtoHelp data to an episode is available at
Reports have been updated so that they can filter episodes using either the existing !br20
tag or the HeadtoHelp Hubs !covid19
episode tag that has been introduced in order to support the Australian Government Mental Health HeadtoHelp Hubs program. Please refer to for full details of when and how to use these tags.
The following bug fixes been implemented in the reporting tab:
- Fixed a bug so that only
tagged records are included in The Way Back
quarterly reports.
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available at:
HeadtoHelp -
The Way Back -
Update to the PMHC MDS - 7/12/2020
December 07, 2020
PMHC MDS Update v1.4.0
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.4.0 was released on December
7, 2020.
The following new features have been implemented in the data extract tab:
- The Data Extract tab now includes a checkbox to ‘Include data from all
specifications’. This downloads a file that is a combination of all of
the extensions listed at
The resulting file cannot be uploaded. This is a download only format.
It is based on the most recent version used by either the core specification
or an extension.
- Optimisations have been applied to the data extract query to improve speed.
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available at:
The Way Back -
Update to the PMHC MDS - 15/11/2020
November 15, 2020
PMHC MDS Update v1.3.0
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.3.0 was released on November
15, 2020.
The following new features have been implemented to assist user management:
- A daily summary of changes to users roles will be sent to users when their
roles are changed
The following new features have been implemented in the reporting interface:
- Reports can now be downloaded directly from the query form without the
need to view the report first
- Reports can now be downloaded in JSON format as well as the existing CSV format
The following bug fixes have been implemented in the Wayback reporting interface:
- Fixed a bug where
1: Straight or Heterosexual
responses were being included
in the LGBTIQ client group
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available at:
The Way Back -
Update to the PMHC MDS - 9/11/2020
November 09, 2020
PMHC MDS Update v1.2.7
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.2.7 was released on November
9, 2020.
The following bug fixes have been implemented in the reporting interface:
- Fixed a bug where viewing an upload and then going back to the
‘View Upload’ tab caused an error
The following bug fixes have been implemented in the Wayback reporting interface:
- Fixed a bug where the Wayback tab was not showing any fields
- Fixed a spelling error in the Wayback Reporting Template
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available at:
The Way Back -
Update to the PMHC MDS and Wayback Quarterly Report Template - 21/10/2020
October 26, 2020
PMHC MDS Update v1.2.5
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.2.5 was released on October
21, 2020.
The following features have been implemented in the reporting interface:
The Way Back Quarterly reporting function is now available. It allows users to
automatically populate The Way Back Quarterly Report using data contained in
To access the report follow the instructions at
Running the report will result in an Excel spreadsheet being downloaded. The
spreadsheet will then require some manual completion before providing to
Beyond Blue or your PHN.
Fixed a bug where some users with the Aggregate Reporting role received a
403 Error
The following features have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Improved the speed of the client search
- Fixed a bug where episodes that were uploaded with the
tag but no
corresponding TWB Episode record where not display correctly in the Data
Entry interface
The following bug fixes have been implemented in the upload interface:
- Fixed a bug where upload summary stated that a collection occasion was
‘added’ when it should have stated ‘updated’
- Improved the preprocessing of CSV files with Byte Order Marks
The following bug fixes have been implemented in data extracts:
- The missing date 09099999 has been included in the data extract for TWB
Episode records
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available at:
The Way Back -
PMHC MDS file upload outage scheduled for 9pm AEDT Thursday 15th October 2020
October 14, 2020
PMHC MDS file upload outage scheduled for 9pm AEDT Thursday 15th October 2020
The outage that was announced for 9pm AEDT Monday 12th October has been postponed until Thursday 15th October 2020. We will now be upgrading part of our infrastructure on Thursday 15th October 2020 between 9:00pm and 9:30pm AEDT.
We expect the outage to be brief, however the system could be interrupted for up to half an hour.
If you are planning on uploading or entering any data during this time, we advise you to complete your work before 9:00pm AEDT.
Thank-you for your patience whilst this work is carried out.
PMHC MDS file upload outage scheduled for 9pm AEDT Monday 12th October 2020
October 12, 2020
PMHC MDS file upload outage scheduled for 9pm AEDT Monday 12th October 2020
We will be upgrading part of our infrastructure on Monday 12th October 2020 between 9:00pm and 9:30pm AEDT.
We expect the outage to be brief, however the system could be interrupted for up to half an hour.
If you are planning on uploading or entering any data during this time, we advise you to complete your work before 9:00pm AEDT.
Thank-you for your patience whilst this work is carried out. Apologies for the late notice.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 29/9/2020
September 29, 2020
PMHC MDS Update v1.1.2
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.1.2 was released on September 29, 2020.
The following bug fixes have been implemented in the upload interface:
- Fixed a bug when multiple Recommendation Outs with the same Provider were recorded in the upload
- Fixed a bug where TWB Plans or TWB NIs were not associated with a TWB Episode
- Enhanced some TWB error messages to provide more specific details
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available at:
The Way Back -
Update to the PMHC MDS - 20/9/2020
September 20, 2020
PMHC MDS Update v1.1.0
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.1.0 was released on September 20, 2020.
The following features have been implemented:
- An “Aggregate Reporting” role has been added. The existing “Reporting”
role gives users access to both the “Reporting” and the “Data Extract” tabs.
This new role only provides access to the “Reporting” tab. If a user is
required to see aggregate reports, but not unit record data, they can be
assigned the “Aggregate Reporting” role without the “Reporting” or
“Data Entry” roles and they will not have access to unit record data.
Users have not been assigned the “Aggregate Reporting” role. User Managers
will need to update users to this new role, if appropriate.
- The “Roles of Assigned Users” table has been redesigned to be more consistent
with the “View Roles” and “Edit Roles” tables.
The following bug fixes have been implemented in the reporting interface:
- Fixed a bug when a provider organisation has a ‘/’ in their organisation key
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available at:
The Way Back -
Update to the PMHC MDS - 7/9/2020
September 07, 2020
PMHC MDS Update v1.0.7
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.0.7 was released on September 7, 2020.
The following bug fixes have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Fixed a bug where service contacts and collection occasions were not sorted correctly.
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available at:
The Way Back -
Update to the PMHC MDS - and Wayback Data Specifications - 27/8/2020
August 27, 2020
PMHC MDS Update v1.0.2
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v1.0.2 was released on August 27, 2020.
The following features have been implemented in the data entry interface:
The following bug fixes have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Fixed a bug where field order in the Service Contact ‘View Details’ tab
was inconsistent with the ‘Edit Details’ and ‘Add Details’ tabs.
- Fixed unclear wording when hovering over the icon that allows you to make
a copy of a service contact. The hover wording previously said ‘Duplicate
Service Contact’. It has been updated to ‘Copy as new service contact’ and
the icon has been moved to the right of the table.
The following bug fixes have been implemented in the reporting interface:
- Fixed a bug where the data selectors in the B3 report showed inconsistent
behaviour after clicking the ‘Back’ button from a previously generated B3 report.
The following bug fixes have been implemented in the users interface:
- Fixed a bug where the Expires and Last changed times on the User Details
tab was being displayed in UTC +0 timezone. It is now being displayed in
the logged in user’s local timezone.
The user guides have been updated to reflect these updates. They are available at:
The Way Back -
The Way Back Data Specifications Update v3.0.1
We are also pleased to announce that The Way Back Data Specifications Update
v3.0.1 was released on August 17, 2020. The following updates have been implemented:
Data model and specifications
- TWB Episode - Transgender Status - Added value ‘9 - Not stated / Unknown’
- TWB Episode - Intersex Status - Added value ‘9 - Not stated / Unknown’
Validation Rules
- TWB Episode
- Updated the validation for TWB Episode - Primary Nominated Professional
Contact Exit Date so that it must not be before Episode - End Date
Update to the PMHC MDS - 27/07/2020
July 27, 2020
PMHC MDS Update v0.38.3
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.38.3 was released on July 27, 2020.
The following bug fixes have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Fixed a bug where an error was being produced when inputting collection occasion keys.
The following bug fixes have been implemented in the upload interface:
- Fixed a bug where files marked as optional in The Way Back specification were being required.
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available
PMHC MDS extension - The Way Back - Upload rollout (9/7/2020)
July 09, 2020
PMHC MDS extension Way Back upload rollout and training
The Primary Mental Health Care Minimum Data Set (PMHC MDS) has been extended to
allow data collection for specific programs. These specifications are only to be
used if your organisation is providing services under the program.
The Way Back Support Service
People who have attempted suicide or experienced a suicidal crisis often
experience severe distress in the days and weeks immediately afterwards, and
they are at high risk of attempting again.
Beyond Blue developed The Way Back Support Service to support them through this
critical risk period. A Support Coordinator contacts the person within one
business day of receiving their referral and tailors a program for up to three
months after discharge from hospital. This program is built on personal
connection and integration with community services.
The Way Back Support Service Minimum Data Set and Dictionary
The Way Back Support Service Minimum Data Set is an extension of the Primary
Mental Health Care Minimum Data Set (PMHC MDS), the current Way Back Support
Service Minimum Data Set and Dictionary is available at
STAGE 1 - Submitting The Way Back data via Upload only
Stage 1 has been released in the PMHC MDS for Upload. During the initial stage
of implementing The Way Back records in the PMHC MDS, PHNs and their service
providers will be able to either export data from their client systems and
upload to the PMHC MDS or manually create spreadsheets that can then be uploaded.
Example upload files are available in The Way Back Upload Specification at
Data may be uploaded in either Excel or CSV format.
There is a Developers PMHC MDS website available for testing/training purposes
for PHNs, Provider Organisations and third-party developers. See:
STAGE 2 - Submitting The Way Back data via Data Entry
The Data Entry Interface will be released in the second stage of development and
will allow users to manually enter The Way Back data through online forms instead
of uploading a spreadsheet or files.
We will announce when this functionality is available.
PMHC Helpdesk Training and Support
The PMHC Helpdesk is available to support Developers, Primary Health Networks
and Provider Organisations implementing The Way Back Support Service through
We can host an online discussion to assist with technical requirements, where to
start or to host an online training session for users of either the Upload
feature, or the Data Entry Interface when available. Contact us to arrange
customised training for your organisation’s needs
The PMHC Helpdesk is available weekdays between the hours of 10:00 am - 6:00 pm AEST.
Please email us on with any enquiries.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 25/06/2020
June 25, 2020
PMHC MDS Update v0.37.4
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.37.4 was released on June 25, 2020.
The following bug fixes have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Fixed a bug where deletion of collection occasions was slow.
The following bug fixes have been implemented in the upload interface:
- Fixed a bug where deletion of collection occasions was slow.
- Fixed a bug where some users could not see their previous uploads.
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available
Reminder of end of life for PMHC MDS Version 1 upload format - 9/6/2019
June 09, 2020
The PMHC MDS currently supports uploads in both the Version 1 format as documented at and the Version 2 format as documented at
After the 30th of June 2020 the PMHC MDS will no longer accept uploads using the Version 1 format. Please ensure that you have migrated to using the Version 2 format before this date.
A summary of the changes between version 1.0 and 2.0 are as follows:
Update to the PMHC MDS - 4/06/2020
June 04, 2020
PMHC MDS Update v0.37.3
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.37.3 was released on June 4, 2020.
The following bug fixes have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Fixed a bug where logging out while editing a Users’ roles did not update the navigation bar.
- Fixed a bug where the ‘Tags’ field was not saving data in the add Collection Occasion form.
- Fixed a bug where the ‘Venue’ field was not displaying the ‘Not applicable (Service Contact Modality is not face to face) value in the Service Contact add and edit forms.
- Enabled the pre-filled fields based on the value of ‘No Show’ to be edited in the Service Contact add and edit forms.
The following bug fixes have been implemented in the upload interface:
- Fixed a bug where the username didn’t filter on the view uploads table.
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available
Update to the PMHC MDS - 1/06/2020
June 01, 2020
PMHC MDS Update v0.37.2
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.37.2 was released on June 1, 2020.
The following features have been implemented in the user management interface:
- Filtering has been enabled on the Invites table
The following features have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- The Service Contact add and edit forms have been rearranged so that ‘No Show’ is after ‘Service Contact Date’. The following fields are now pre-filled based on the value of ‘No Show’:
- Service Contact - Type
- Service Contact - Postcode
- Service Contact - Modality
- Service Contact - Venue
- Service Contact - Duration
The following features have been implemented in the upload interface:
- PHN users can now see all uploads for their PHN
- Data entered, but not saved before a timeout is now saved so that the data can be restored if the user logs back in within 15 minutes
The following bug fixes have been implemented in the reports interface:
- Corrected the B6 Option from ‘Primary focus of treatment plan’ to ‘Principal focus of treatment plan’
- Fixed a bug where the ‘Request’ button was inactive and no error messages where shown when there was no active organisation with the reporting period
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available
Update to the PMHC MDS - 29/04/2020
April 29, 2020
PMHC MDS Update v0.36.4
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.36.4 was released on April 29, 2020.
The following features have been implemented in the user management interface:
- User managers can now see outstanding and expired invitations
- User managers can now revoke and delete invitations
- User managers can now reissue invitations
- When a user is invited to the PMHC MDS their roles are now included
in the invitation email
- Email generated by the invitation process are now HTML formatted
- Users and user managers can now see password change details
The following features have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- The user is now warned of unsaved changes before logging out or changing tabs
The following bug fixes have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Updates to fix unexpected logouts
The following features have been implemented in the upload interface:
- HTML emails are now supported
The following bug fixes have been implemented in the upload interface:
- Fixed a bug so that when a user with organisation management tries to upload
data for organisations past their grace period and the upload also contains
organisation data the upload is not allowed and an error message is generated.
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available
Update to the PMHC MDS - 10/03/2020
March 10, 2020
PMHC MDS Update v0.35.0
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.35.0 was released on March 10, 2020.
The following features have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Multiple updates have been made to improve the PMHC MDS compliance with
WCAG AA 2.0 accessibility standards
- Added links from data entry fields to the data specification
The following features have been implemented in the reporting interface:
- All the A series, B1, B2, B3 and B4 and all the C series reports have been
updated so that they can filter episodes using the
episode tag that
has been introduced in order to support the Australian Government Mental
Health Response to Bushfire Trauma. Please refer to
for full details of when and how to use this tag. Note that while PHN’s
funded under the Response must report in-scope activity using this flag,
all PHN’s may use the flag to do so.
- A11 - Data Quality Report: Episodes with no service contact.
The following features have been implemented in the upload interface:
- Upload errors have been improved so that they show both the row the error
is occurring in and the key of the record pertaining to the error.
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the upload interface:
- Fixed a bug when the checking of episode end dates against collection
occasion dates where collection occasion dates were being modified in the
same upload.
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available
Reminder of end of life for PMHC MDS Version 1 upload format - 3/3/2019
March 03, 2020
The PMHC MDS currently supports uploads in both the Version 1 format as documented at and the Version 2 format as documented at
After the 30th of June 2020 the PMHC MDS will no longer accept uploads using the Version 1 format. Please ensure that you have migrated to using the Version 2 format before this date.
A summary of the changes between version 1.0 and 2.0 are as follows:
Access Issues Resolved - 30/01/2020
January 30, 2020
Some PMHC MDS may have been experiencing issues with accessing the site.
This issue has now been resolved. If you continue to experience issues please
contact the PMHC MDS helpdesk via email at
We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 24/01/2020
January 24, 2020
PMHC MDS Update v0.33.2
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.33.2 was released on January 23, 2020.
The following features have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- The Department has informed PHN’s of the reporting arrangements associated
with the Australian Government Mental Health Response to Bushfire Trauma.
In order to support this the PMHC MDS has been updated to capture in-scope
service activity by using the reserved Episode tag
. Please refer to
for full details of when and how to use this tag. Note that while PHN’s
funded under the Response must report in-scope activity using this flag,
all PHN’s may use the flag to do so.
The following features have been implemented in the reporting interface:
- A10 - Data Quality Report: Missing and invalid Referral Dates
- B6 - Client Outcomes
The following features have been implemented in the upload interface:
- A warning has been added to version 1 uploads to remind users that version
1 will no longer be supported after June 30, 2020.
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- The layout for viewing and editing SDQ subscales/totals has been redesigned
to make it clearer that the Total Difficulties Score should be the sum of
the Emotional Symptoms, Conduct Problem, Hyperactivity and Peer Problem scales.
- The SDQ Details page now shows the calculated subscale scores when item scores
have been entered.
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the upload interface:
- Updated error messages when episode end dates clash with organisation start
and end dates to make them clearer.
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the data extract interface:
- Data extracts will now include data for for all organisations that were
active within the specified time range, even if an organisation is not active now.
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available
Reminder of end of life for PMHC MDS Version 1 upload format - 18/12/2019
December 18, 2019
The PMHC MDS currently supports uploads in both the Version 1 format as documented at and the Version 2 format as documented at
After the 30th of June 2020 the PMHC MDS will no longer accept uploads using the Version 1 format. Please ensure that you have migrated to using the Version 2 format before this date.
A summary of the changes between version 1.0 and 2.0 are as follows:
PMHC MDS unscheduled outage to the upload service resolved - 12/11/2019
November 12, 2019
PMHC MDS upload service available again
The PMHC MDS recently experienced an unscheduled outage affecting uploads. This service has now been restored.
Thank you once again for your patience whilst this work was carried out. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused.
PMHC MDS unscheduled outage to the upload service - 11/11/2019
November 11, 2019
PMHC MDS unscheduled outage to the upload service
The PMHC MDS is currently experiencing an unscheduled outage affecting the upload service. Data can still be entered manually via data entry. Reports and data extracts are also still available.
Strategic Data are working to correct the issue as quickly as possible. Thank-you for your patience whilst this work is carried out. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 4/10/2019
October 04, 2019
PMHC MDS Update v0.32.3
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.32.3 was released on October 4, 2019.
The following reports have been updated to reflect changes to the specifications:
- A9 now uses the same (new) criteria for baseline episode inclusion as Out-1,
Out-2 and Out-3
The following features have been implemented in the upload interface:
- The upload interface will now allow headspace head office to upload data to
headspace provider organisations across all PHNs. This has been implemented
using a feature that is being called ‘Provider Organisation Groups’ or POGs.
In the current implementation, users at PHNs will not be able to view data
in the headspace POG via the data entry interface or reports. In a future
enhancement aggregated headspace data will be available to PHNs via reports
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Collection Occasion scores and descriptions are now laid out consistently
across different collection occasion types
- All forms now contain a description that an asterisk against a field means
that the field is mandatory
- Fixed a bug where the error message ‘Episode - End Date should be after
Episode - Referral Date’ was not being detected until after the Episode form
had been submitted
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the upload interface:
- Fixed an error message ‘Organisations: Invalid organisation_start_date in
row …’ when a Organisations file or worksheet has not been uploaded
- Fixed a bug where worksheet names with leading or trailing spaces or where
names of worksheets started with a lowercase letter were not being identified
- Fixed a bug where metadata files specifying version 1 were not returning a
sensible error message
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available
PMHC MDS outage scheduled for 9:00pm AEDT Wednesday 9th October 2019
October 04, 2019
PMHC MDS outage scheduled for 9:00pm AEDT Wednesday 9th October 2019
We will be upgrading part of our infrastructure on Wednesday 9th October 2019 between 9:00pm and 11:00pm AEDT.
We expect the outage to last for less than 10 minutes, however the system could be interrupted for up to one hour.
If you are planning on uploading or entering any data during this time, we advise you to complete your work before 9:00pm AEDT.
Thank-you for your patience whilst this work is carried out.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 23/9/2019
September 23, 2019
PMHC MDS Update v0.31.3
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.31.3 was released on September 23, 2019.
The following features have been implemented in the reports interface:
- Updated the financial year selectors to include half financial years as well
as full financial years
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the upload interface:
- Improved error messages when organisation start and/or end dates are not
consistent with other dates dates within the upload file
- Improved error messages when a CSV upload file was not conforming to the RFC4180 standard
- Only the first 2,500 error messages will be displayed or included in the upload email
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the reports interface:
- Fix for a double counting issue in the Out-1 and Out-2 reports
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available
Update to the PMHC MDS - 6/9/2019
September 06, 2019
PMHC MDS Update v0.31.0
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.31.0 was released on September 6, 2019.
The following reports have been updated to reflect changes to the specifications:
- Out-1, Out-2 and Out-3 now all use the same (new) criteria for baseline episode inclusion
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the upload interface:
- Fix for a small number of zip files that could not be iteratively extracted
- Fix for deleting data where fields permit multiple responses
- Consistent handling of zip files when all the archived csv files were contained in a subdirectory.
- Fix for data extraction in csv format having metadata.csv.csv
- Fix for permission checks for user roles of a Provider Organisation in grace period
- Fixed date handling uploads where the organisation end date was being set to today’s date
- Fixed error reporting of the Practitioner - Year of Birth field when it is too far in the past
- Fixed test mode so that it reports the same errors as a non test upload
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the reporting interface:
- Fix for calculation of end of financial year dates.
- Fix for App-2 report to also include the organisation type “Aboriginal health/medical service” in calculations
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available
Update to the PMHC MDS - 16/7/2019
July 16, 2019
PMHC MDS Update v0.30.5
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.30.5 was released on July 16, 2019.
The following features have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Improved the form layout for the K10+ and K5 Collection Occasions.
- Improved the data entry process for recording SDQ subscales.
- Improved validation of Collection Occasion measure dates when they are
entered after the Episode has been closed.
- Users can now duplicate a previously recorded Service Contact.
The following features have been implemented in the upload interface:
- Accept Metadata worksheets if spelt correctly but documented in any
combination of uppercase or lowercase.
- Accept Metadata version files documented as “2” or “2.0”.
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Fixed a bug where users were not returned to the ‘View Details’ page after
creating a new Collection Occasion.
- Fixed a bug where the date-picker calendar icon was not working for new
Collection Occasion records.
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the upload interface:
- Fixed a bug where the deletion of data did not detect duplicate records in
an upload file.
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the reporting interface:
- Fixed a bug where the Acc-1, Acc-2, Acc-3 and App-1 reports were incorrectly
shown to Provider Organisation users.
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available at
Update to the PMHC MDS - 30/6/2019
June 30, 2019
PMHC MDS Update v0.30.2
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.30.2 was released on June 30, 2019.
The following features have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Added new Episode field - Continuity of Support.
The following features have been implemented in the uploads interface:
- Added new Episode field - Continuity of Support.
- Added new Organisation field - Provider Organisation Start Date.
- Added new Organisation field - Provider Organisation End Date.
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available at
PMHC MDS Data Specifications Update v2.0.0
As previously announced the PMHC MDS Data Specifications v2.0.0 is now available from:
Update to the PMHC MDS - 21/6/2019
June 21, 2019
PMHC MDS Update v0.30.1
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.30.1 was released on June 21, 2019.
The following features have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Item scores can now be entered for all versions of the SDQ.
The following features have been implemented in the upload interface:
- Subscale and total difficulties scores are now calculated/validated against
item scores provided.
- A warning is now returned if an optional file/worksheet is not contained or
is ignored in an upload.
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the organisations interface:
- Fixed a bug where the applied filter was not being shown on the View Provider
Organisations tab.
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the users interface:
- Fixed a bug where the roles of assigned users column was not showing in the
Role of Assigned Users tab.
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Fixed a bug where the Organisation Path filter was not working on the
Practitioners table.
- Fixed a bug where the Organisation Path was not showing on the Add Client
form for a PHN that only has one Provider Organisation.
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the reporting interface:
- Language grouping has been added to report B1 (Client Characteristics by
Language spoken at home)
- Definition of Age fixed in all reports to be age at start of episode.
Affected reports include: App-1, B1 and C1
- Fixed a bug in B1 where if the total clients to be reported was 0, 1 was
actually being reported.
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available at
Update to the PMHC MDS Developers Instance - 21/6/2019
June 21, 2019
PMHC MDS Developers Instance Update v0.30.1
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.30.1 was released on June 21, 2019.
In order to allow testing of uploads against the new PMHC MDS v2.0.0
specification that will be live on the production instance at the end of June,
the following features have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Added new Episode field - Continuity of Support.
In order to allow testing of uploads against the new PMHC MDS v2.0.0
specification that will be live on the production instance at the end of June,
the following features have been implemented in the uploads interface:
- Added new Episode field - Continuity of Support.
- Added new Organisation field - Provider Organisation Start Date.
- Added new Organisation field - Provider Organisation End Date.
The following features have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Item scores can now be entered for all versions of the SDQ.
The following features have been implemented in the upload interface:
- Subscale and total difficulties scores are now calculated/validated against
item scores provided.
- A warning is now returned if an optional file/worksheet is not contained or
is ignored in an upload.
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the organisations interface:
- Fixed a bug where the applied filter was not being shown on the View Provider
Organisations tab.
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the users interface:
- Fixed a bug where the roles of assigned users column was not showing in the
Role of Assigned Users tab.
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Fixed a bug where the Organisation Path filter was not working on the
Practitioners table.
- Fixed a bug where the Organisation Path was not showing on the Add Client
form for a PHN that only has one Provider Organisation.
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the reporting interface:
- Language grouping has been added to report B1 (Client Characteristics by
Language spoken at home)
- Definition of Age fixed in all reports to be age at start of episode.
Affected reports include: App-1, B1 and C1
- Fixed a bug in B1 where if the total clients to be reported was 0, 1 was
actually being reported.
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available at
Continuity of Support and other data specification changes in the PMHC MDS - 4/6/2019
June 04, 2019
On 1 July 2019, a new field “Continuity of Support” will be added to the Episode record of the PMHC MDS.
In order to incorporate these changes, the upload specification for the PMHC MDS will be updated.
As of the 1 July 2019, the PMHC MDS will accept uploads in both the current 1.0 format and a
new 2.0 format as documented at
A summary of the changes between version 1.0 and 2.0 are as follows:
The user guide will shortly be updated to reflect these changes. The latest version of the user guide is available at
Update to the PMHC MDS - 20/5/2019
May 20, 2019
PMHC MDS Update v0.29.3
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.29.3 was released on May 20, 2019.
The following updates have been implemented across the interface:
- In order to improve the responsiveness of the system, all tables except
View Collection Occasions and View Service Contacts have had pagination
implemented. Pagination of View Collection Occasions and View Service
Contacts will be implemented in a future release.
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the reporting interface:
- Fixed a bug in reports A7/A8/A9 where rows with zero results were missing.
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the upload interface:
- Fixed a bug where you could not upload to an organisation if it was within
its grace period if you did not supply an organisations file/worksheet in
the upload.
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the data extract interface:
- Fixed a bug where if multiple episodes for different Provider Organisations
within the same PHN had the same episode key where extracted, episodes for
the wrong Provider Organisation could get extracted erroneously - this
would only occur when a PHN was extracting data.
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the Provider Organisation and Practitioners interfaces:
- Fixed a bug where it was not possible to remove the OMSSS email address
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available at
Update to the PMHC MDS - 8/4/2019
April 08, 2019
PMHC MDS Update v0.28.7
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.28.7 was released on April 8, 2019.
The following bugfixes have been implemented in the reporting interface:
- The Key Performance Indicator report ‘App-1 - Youth receiving youth specific services’ has been updated to only include episodes where the Principal Focus of Treatment Plan is ‘Child and youth-specific mental health services’.
- The Key Performance Indicator report ‘App-1 - Youth receiving youth specific services’ has been updated as it was missing a row for “Not stated/inadequately described” and incorrectly calculated the “TOTAL” row when disaggregated by ATSI status.
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available at
Update to the PMHC MDS - 28/3/2019
March 28, 2019
PMHC MDS Update v0.28.5
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.28.5 was released on March 28, 2019.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the reporting interface:
These Key Performance Indicator reports have been updated to show Period 1 (1 July 2018 - 31 December 2018) when 2019 financial year is selected:
- Acc-1 - Access to low intensity psychological interventions.
- Acc-2 - Access to psychological therapies.
- Acc-3 - Access to clinical care coordination.
- App-1 - Youth receiving youth specific services.
The breakdown for Period 2 (1 January 2019 - 30 June 2019) and complete financial year (1 July 2018 - 30 June 2019) will be available in a future release.
The Key Performance Indicator report ‘App-3 - 7-day follow-up of suicide risk referrals’ has been updated to exclude contacts where the Client Participation Indicator is set to ‘No’.
The following bug fixes have been implemented in the upload interface:
- Fixed a bug where inconsistent episode end dates would generate an upload error without including the row number in the uploaded file.
The following bug fixes have been implemented across the PMHC MDS:
- Improved the validation of organisation start and end dates. Errors now include the maximum start date, and the minimum end date possible for an organisation.
- Fixed a bug where the user roles were not displayed correctly after being edited.
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available at
Update to the PMHC MDS - 25/3/2019
March 25, 2019
PMHC MDS Update v0.28.1
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.28.1 was released on March 25, 2019.
The following features have been implemented in the reporting interface:
- Key Performance Indicator Acc-1 - Access to low intensity psychological interventions.
- Key Performance Indicator Acc-2 - Access to psychological therapies.
- Key Performance Indicator Acc-3 - Access to clinical care coordination.
- Key Performance Indicator App-1 - Youth receiving youth specific services.
- Key Performance Indicator App-2 - Culturally appropriate services for Indigenous population.
- Key Performance Indicator App-3 - 7-day follow-up of suicide risk referrals.
- Key Performance Indicator Out-3 - Completion rates for outcome measures.
At this release disaggregation by client remoteness is not available for the
pertinent indicators (Acc-1, Acc-2, Acc-3, App-1, App-2, App-3). This breakdown
will be available in a future release. Disaggregation by age group and indigenous
status is available as specified in the
‘Performance Indicators For Primary Health Network-led Mental Health Reform’.
The following updates and bug fixes have been implemented across the PMHC MDS:
- Fixed a bug where the PHN name was not being displayed in the user roles table.
- Fixed a bug where the Organisation Key column of the ‘View Provider Organisations’ table was showing the Organisation Path, not the Organisation Key.
- Fixed a bug where SDQ total field was being displayed twice on the Collection Occasion ‘View Details’ tab.
- Fixed a bug which caused upload errors when changing the end date of a closed episode while also changing the service contact date of the recent service contacts in the same upload.
- Fixed a bug which caused upload errors where users were informed they could not upload organisation data in ZippedCSV files.
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available at
Update to the PMHC MDS - 15/3/2019
March 15, 2019
PMHC MDS Update v0.27.4
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.27.4 was released on March 15, 2019.
The following features have been implemented across the PMHC MDS:
- Added start date and end date to organisations.
- Users can now only work with organisations that are within their start and end dates.
- Reports will use data for any organisation that was active between the specified dates of the report.
The following features have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Only active practitioners will by default be shown in the practitioners drop
down when adding or editing practitioners. A new checkbox has been implemented
to show inactive practitioners to still allow adding/editing of historical data.
- A Tags column has been added to the Organisations table.
The following features have been implemented in the upload interface:
- Only users with the Organisation Management role at a PHN will now be able to
include the optional ‘Organisations’ worksheet/file in an upload.
The following updates and bug fixes have been implemented across the PMHC MDS:
- Fixed a bug where you could edit an Episode end date to make it earlier
than the date of an existing service contact or collection occasion date.
- Fixed a bug where the SDQ totals were not displayed correctly when item scores had been provided.
- Fixed a bug where the user roles were not displayed correctly at times.
- Fixed a bug where an error was incorrectly displayed when saving an Organisation record.
- Fixed a bug where if a partial set of organisation data is supplied in an
upload, and the practitioner data is not supplied, the practitioner data is
now generated in a consistent manner.
- Fixed a bug for IE11 users getting blank pages with high security browser settings.
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available at
PMHC MDS outage scheduled for 9:30pm AEDT Thursday 14th March 2019
March 13, 2019
PMHC MDS outage scheduled for 9:30pm AEDT Thursday 14th March 2019
We will be upgrading the PMHC MDS on Thursday 14th March 2019 between 9:30pm and 11:00pm AEDT.
We expect the outage to last for less than 10 minutes, however the system could be interrupted for up to one hour.
If you are planning on uploading or entering any data during this time, we advise you to complete your work before 9:30pm AEDT.
Thank-you for your patience whilst this work is carried out. Apologies for the late notice.
Update to the PMHC MDS and Data Specifications - 21/12/2018
December 21, 2018
PMHC MDS Update v0.25.8
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.25.8 was released on
December 21, 2018.
The following features have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Added new response for Episode - Principal Focus of Treatment Plan: 8 - Psychosocial Support
- Added new response for Service Contact - Type: 9 - Psychosocial support
- Redefined Service Contact - Venue response 8 from ‘Aged care centre’ to ‘Residential aged care facility’
- Added new response to Service Contact - Venue: 12 - Aged care centre - non-residential
- Added two new responses for Practitioner - Category: 12 - Psychosocial Support Worker and 13 - Peer Support Worker
The following updates and bug fixes have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Fixed a bug where an episode start date was not correctly reported
The following updates and bug fixes have been implemented in the upload interface:
- Fixed a bug where an error was not being correctly generated for ABNs that were 11 characters long but included whitespace
- Fixed a bug where an upload format of PMHC 1.0 was incorrectly being reported for non PMHC 1.0 uploads early in the upload process
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available at
PMHC MDS Data Specifications Update v1.0.13
We are also pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Data Specifications Update
v1.0.13 was released on December 21, 2018. The following updates have been
Update to the PMHC MDS - 11/12/2018
December 11, 2018
PMHC MDS Update v0.25.5
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.25.5 was released on December 11, 2018.
The following updates and bug fixes have been implemented in the organisations interface:
- Fixed a bug where the ‘Filters’ button was unresponsive on a Provider Organisation’s
‘Assigned Users’ tab
The following updates and bug fixes have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Fixed a bug where Service Contact Keys and Service Contact Dates where not being sorted
correctly in the ‘View Service Contacts’ table.
- Changed the date sorting on the ‘View Uploads’ tab so by default it is sorted by Date
Uploaded descending.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 4/12/2018
December 04, 2018
PMHC MDS Update v0.25.2
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.25.2 was released on December 4, 2018.
The following updates and bug fixes have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Fixed a bug where the tag field was not saving data in the ‘Add Service Contact’ form
The following updates and bug fixes have been implemented in the reporting interface:
- ‘No contact took place’ rows in the B3 and C2 reports have been suppressed as ‘No Show’
service contacts are excluded leading to these rows always having a value of 0.
- The B4 report now includes an extra column to show the count of Provider Organisations
per Provider Organisation Type.
- The B5 report now includes an extra column to show the count of Practitioners per
Practitioner Category.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 22/10/2018
October 22, 2018
PMHC MDS Update v0.24.2
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.24.2 was released on October 22, 2018.
The following features have been implemented in the reporting interface:
- System report C3 - Episode type by Service Contact Intensity.
The following updates and bug fixes have been implemented in the reporting interface:
- Column totals have been added to all reports where appropriate.
- The Y axis on the A2 report now starts at 0.
- Totals for the B series reports are reported as 100% not ‘-’, when appropriate.
- The B4 report is now only available to users who have the Reporting role at a PHN. It was not meaningful to users who only had a reporting role at a Provider Organisation.
- The C series reports now indicate whether counts or percentages are being displayed.
- The C1 report has been updated so that where the Client - Estimated Date of Birth Flag is set to code 8 (indicating that Date of Birth is a dummy date), records with this value will not have their Date of Birth converted to a valid age group but be mapped to ‘Unknown’.
- The C2 reports has been optimised so that it runs faster
- The 7 major categories for diagnoses used in reporting have been changed so that there are now 8 categories for Principal Diagnosis and 9 for Additional Diagnosis. The updated categories are:
- 000 - No additional diagnosis (Additional Dx only)
- 1xx - Anxiety disorders
- 2xx - Affective (Mood) disorders
- 3xx - Substance use disorders
- 4xx - Psychotic disorders
- 5xx - Disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence not listed elsewhere
- 6xx - Other mental disorders
- 9xx except 999 - No formal mental disorder but subsyndromal problems
- 999 - Missing or unknown
The following updates and bug fixes have been implemented for uploads:
- Resolved a race condition when deleting data via uploads.
PMHC MDS outage scheduled for 7am Saturday 6th October 2018
October 05, 2018
PMHC MDS outage scheduled for 7am Saturday 6th October 2018
We will be upgrading part of our infrastructure on Saturday 6th October 2018 between 7:00am and 8:00am AEST.
We expect the outage to last for less than 10 minutes, however the system could be interrupted for up to one hour.
If you are planning on uploading or entering any data during this time, we advise you to complete your work before 7:00am AEST.
Thank-you for your patience whilst this work is carried out. Apologies for the late notice.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 11/9/2018
September 11, 2018
PMHC MDS Update v0.23.12
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.23.12 was released on September 11, 2018.
The following features have been implemented in the reporting interface:
- System report C1 - Stepped care report - Episode type by Client characteristics,
- System report C2 - Episode type by Service Contact Type.
The following features have been implemented in the upload interface:
- The upload specification type and version number have been added to the uploads pages
The following updates and bug fixes have been implemented in the reporting interface:
- The A3, A4, A5, A6 and A9 reports have been optimised so that they run faster
The following updates and bug fixes have been implemented for uploads:
- Resolved a race condition when deleting data via uploads
Update to the PMHC MDS - 24/8/2018
August 24, 2018
PMHC MDS Update v0.23.11
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.23.11 was released on August 24, 2018.
The following updates and bug fixes have been implemented in the reporting interface:
- The A1, A2 and all the B series reports have been optimised so that they run faster.
- The formatting of reports with multicolumn headers has been improved.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented for organisation management:
- Fixed a bug where organisations could not be edited.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 23/7/2018
July 23, 2018
PMHC MDS Update v0.23.9
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.23.9 was released on July 23, 2018.
The following features have been implemented in the reporting interface:
- System report A7 - Data Quality Report: Open Episodes with no service contact activity for 90+ days,
- System report A8 - Data Quality Report: Open Episodes with a collection occasion recorded at the start,
- System report A9 - Data Quality Report: Recording of outcome measures for completed episodes,
- System report B1 - Activity Report: Client characteristics,
- System report B2 - Activity Report: Episode characteristics,
- System report B3 - Activity Report: Service Contact characteristics,
- System report B4 - Activity Report: Provider Organisation characteristics, and
- System report B5 - Activity Reports by provider workforce characteristics.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the reporting interface:
- Fixed a bug where the A1 report could not be accessed by a Provider Organisation user.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the users interface:
- Fixed an error when trying to invite an existing user.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented for organisation and role management:
- Database optimisations have been applied resulting in these interfaces being more responsive.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 12/7/2018
July 12, 2018
PMHC MDS Update v0.23.6
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.23.6 was released on July 12, 2018.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented across the whole site:
- Fixed a number of issues when using the site with a screen reader.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the Data Entry interface:
- Fixed a bug when filtering by date where the / symbol wasn’t being accepted.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the Upload interface:
- Fixed a bug when filtering by date where the / symbol wasn’t being accepted.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the SLK tab:
- Fixed a bug where the default date of 09/09/9999 was not being accepted.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 13/3/2018
March 13, 2018
PMHC MDS Update v0.22.1
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.22.1 was released on March 13, 2018.
The following features have been implemented in the reporting interface:
- System report A3-1 - Data Quality Report: Missing and invalid Client data - Summary,
- System report A3-2 - Data Quality Report: Missing and invalid Client data - Detail,
- System report A4-1 - Data Quality Report: Missing and invalid Episode data - Summary,
- System report A4-2 - Data Quality Report: Missing and invalid Episode data - Detail,
- System report A5-1 - Data Quality Report: Missing and invalid Service Contact data - Summary,
- System report A5-2 - Data Quality Report: Missing and invalid Service Contact data - Detail,
- System report A6-1 - Data Quality Report: Missing and invalid Practitioner data - Summary, and
- System report A6-2 - Data Quality Report: Missing and invalid Practitioner data - Detail.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the Data Entry interface:
- Fixed a bug when editing Episodes where the Save button was not enabled and no error message was shown when the Episode End Date was set to 09/09/9999.
- Fixed a bug when editing Collection Occasions where an error would be shown when the Measure Date was set to 09/09/9999.
- Removed the age based validation on Client - Proficiency in Spoken English. This validation will be replaced with a future data quality report.
- Removed the age based validation on Episode - Source of Cash Income. This validation will be replaced with a future data quality report.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the Data Extract interface:
- Fixed a bug whereby the ‘Select Organisation’ drop down was not showing the correct organisations for users who only have roles at a Provider Organisation.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the Reports interface:
- The name of the A2 report has been changed from ‘A2: Volume Trends’ to ‘A2: Monthly Volume Trends’.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the Upload interface:
- Fixed a bug where files with an extremely large number of empty lines would cause the upload pipeline to hang.
- Removed the age based validation on Client - Proficiency in Spoken English. This validation will be replaced with a future data quality report.
- Removed the age based validation on Episode - Source of Cash Income. This validation will be replaced with a future data quality report.
- Added an Upload ID to the View Uploads table and the Upload Details page. This ID is unique to each upload. Reporting this ID when contacting the Helpdesk will allow support staff to locate problem uploads easily.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 15/2/2018
February 15, 2018
PMHC MDS Update v0.21.1
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.21.1 was released on February 15, 2018.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented across the MDS:
- Fixed a bug whereby errors on login would be removed before they could be read.
- Fixed a bug where the headers and footers would flash on login, logout and refresh.
- Fixed a bug whereby if you were logged into the PMHC MDS in one tab/window and then you opened another tab/window you would be shown the login screen, instead of automatically being logged in.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the Data Entry interface:
- Fixed a bug where collection occasion measures dates before 1/1/2016 were not being flagged as invalid before being saved.
- Fixed a bug where a collection occasion measure date was recorded as missing (09099999) against a closed episode, would be incorrectly flagged as invalid.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the Data Extract interface:
- Fixed a bug whereby the ‘Select Organisation’ drop down was not showing the correct organisations for users who only have roles at a Provider Organisation.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the Upload interface:
- Fixed a bug where a collection occasion measure date was recorded as missing (09099999) against a closed episode, would be incorrectly reported as an error.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the Reports interface:
- Fixed a bug whereby the current date was showing as invalid.
Update to the PMHC MDS and Data Specifications - 19/1/2018
January 19, 2018
PMHC MDS Update v0.21
We are pleased to announce the first PMHC MDS update for 2018. PMHC MDS Update
v0.21 was released on January 19, 2018.
The following features have been implemented across all interfaces:
- After a user has logged in, smaller headers and footers will be shown.
- Minimum dates have been applied to the following fields: Client - Date of
Birth, Episode - End Date and Referral Date, Service Contact - Service
Contact Date, Collection Occasion - Measure Date.
The following features have been implemented in the Data Entry interface:
- The Referral Date has been added to the Episode Summary information.
The following features have been implemented in the Upload interface:
- The username of the user that uploaded a file is now shown in the
‘View Uploads’ table.
The following features have been implemented in the Reports interface:
- The title of a report now indicates if the ‘Include only records with
Client Consent’ flag was checked when generating the report.
The following features have been implemented in the Data Extract interface:
- An ‘Associated Date Rules Explained’ link has been added to explain the
‘Include data without associated dates’ checkbox.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the Data Entry
- Fixed a bug whereby if you edited a record in such a way that an error was
returned and then navigated back to the ‘View’ tab, you would see the
edited, unsaved data, not the data that is actually stored in the PMHC MDS.
- Fixed a bug in the ‘Add New Client’ form whereby if the ‘The Client Key
already exists.’ error has been shown, it would remain when the ‘Client Key’
field had been cleared.
- Fixed a bug in the ‘Add New Service Contact’ form whereby an error relating
to the ‘Postcode’ field would remain when the field had been cleared.
- Fixed a bug in the Client ‘Edit Details’ form where the ‘Save’ button would
be active even when the SLK needed to the regenerated.
- Fixed a bug in the Episode ‘Details’ tab where the orange ‘Suicide Referral’
bar was not being shown when the ‘Suicide Referral Flag’ was set to ‘Yes’.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the Users interface:
- Fixed a bug whereby an error relating to the ‘Mobile’ field would remain
when the field had been cleared.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the Upload interface:
- Fixed a bug whereby the ‘Organisation’ field in the ‘Upload A File’ form
was being sorted by organisation key, not organisation name.
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available at
PMHC MDS Data Specifications Update v1.0.12
We are also pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Data Specifications Update
v1.0.12 was released on January 19, 2018. The following updates have been
Update to the PMHC MDS - 12/12/2017
December 22, 2017
PMHC MDS Update v0.20.2
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.20.2 was released on December 22, 2017.
The following features have been implemented across all interfaces:
- Context sensitive help links have been provided.
- Drop downs for selecting organisations have been made more consistent.
The following features have been implemented in the reports interface:
- An ‘Include only records with Client Consent’ option has been added to reports so that organisations can
generate reports which include the same data as reports that are generated for the Department of Health.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the reports interface:
- The ‘Data Extract’ tab has been moved from being a subtab of the ‘Reports’ tab. It is now it’s own separate top-level tab.
- The design of the reports tab has been cleaned up.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the data extract interface:
- A problem with the ‘Include data without associated dates’ checkbox has been fixed.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 12/12/2017
December 12, 2017
PMHC MDS Update v0.20.0
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.20.0 was released on December 12, 2017.
The following features have been implemented in the reporting interface:
- System report A1 - High level summary of overall volumes, and
- System report A2 - Monthly volume trends.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the data extract interface:
- Fixed a bug where an error was reported when requesting a Data Extract.
- Fixed a bug where data extracts for a provider organisation included all data for other provider organisations the user had the reporting role assigned.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the upload interface:
- Fixed a bug where an error was produced when an existing episode was closed and a new episode was opened for the same client in a single upload.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 08/12/2017
December 08, 2017
PMHC MDS Update v0.19.0
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.19.0 was released on
December 8, 2017.
The following features have been implemented:
- An uneditable, prepopulating Organisation Path field has been added to the
Add Provider Organisation form so that users can see what the Organisation
Path will be before saving the new Provider Organisation.
- In order to make data entry more efficient, errors for duplicate keys will
now be shown when entering data into the key input field instead of after
clicking save.
- Tables now show ‘Loading…’ when a page is waiting for data to load.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the data entry interface:
- Improved the order of organisations in the Data Extraction ‘Select Organisations’ drop down.
- Improved the order of organisations in the Upload ‘Organisation’ drop down.
- Fixed a bug where an error would be returned when viewing records with ‘/’ or
in the key.
- Fixed an error where if 0 was provided as an SDQ subscale the value was changed to 99.
- Fixed an error where ‘Showing results for “”’ would appear under the Client Search form.
- Fixed an error in the “Invite New User” form when inviting a user that already exists with the PMHC MDS.
- Fixed an error where clicking ‘Practitioners’ in the breadcrumbs would take you to the ‘Client’ tab.
- Fixed an error where new clients weren’t being added to the existing search results table.
- Fixed an error where updated client details were not being displayed after clicking save.
- Fixed an error where users with the User Management role were not seeing organisations under the Organisations tab.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the upload interface:
- SDQ subscales will now be validated against the supplied Total Difficulties Score.
- Fixed an error in uploads when trying to upload to an inactive organisation.
- Fixed an error in uploads when the organisation key was not consistent with the organisation path.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 01/12/2017
December 01, 2017
PMHC MDS Update v0.18.2
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.18.2 was released on
December 1, 2017.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the upload interface:
- Fixed an issue where trailing blank lines in files were causing system errors.
- Fixed an issue where blank lines within SDQ data would cause subtotal validation to fail.
To all users who were affected by these issues, we thank you for your patience and we sincerely apologise for any inconvenience these issues had caused.
PMHC MDS system and network upgrades on Saturday 9 December 2017 - 29/11/2017
November 29, 2017
On 22 November 2017 we sent out an announcement that there would be a PMHC MDS system and network upgrade on Saturday 2 December between 10:00am and 2:00pm AEDT.
Unfortunately this upgrade has been delayed. We will now be performing system and network upgrades on Saturday 9 December between 10:00am and 2:00pm AEDT.
We do not expect any outage, but there is the possibility that an outage may
occur during this period.
If you are planning on uploading or entering any data during this time, we
advise you to complete your work before 10:00am AEDT.
Thank-you for your patience whilst this work is carried out.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 24/11/2017
November 24, 2017
PMHC MDS Update v0.18.1
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.18.1 was released on
November 24, 2017.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the data entry
- Fixed an issue where Internet Explorer users could not login.
To all users who were affected by this issue, we thank you for your patience
and we sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this issue has caused.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 23/11/2017
November 22, 2017
PMHC MDS Update v0.18.0
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.18.0 was released on
November 22, 2017.
The following features have been implemented:
- Editing of record keys via the data entry interface.
- Insert/update/delete of SDQ subscales via the data entry interface.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the data entry
- Fixed an issue where a user could generate reports at a Provider Organisation
for which had other roles, but not the Reporting role.
- Fixed a spelling error on the Assigned Users tab where an apostrophe was missing.
- Fixed an issue on the View Episode Details tab where the title ‘Uncommenced
Episode’ was being shown even though an episode had commenced.
- Fixed an issue with Collection Occasions where Tag values were not being
shown and could not be edited.
- Added a link from the home page to the announcements archive.
- Dates are now being validated in a consistent manner. Dates are valid in
the period 1/1/1900 - today.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the upload interface:
- Fixed an error in uploads where leading and trailing whitespace in the column
headers was causing errors.
- Fixed an error in uploads when trying to upload to an inactive organisation.
- Fixed an error in uploads when the organisation key was not consistent with
the organisation path.
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available at
PMHC MDS system and network upgrades on Saturday 2 December 2017 - 22/11/2017
November 22, 2017
We will be performing system and network upgrades on Saturday 2 December
between 10:00am and 2:00pm AEDT.
We do not expect any outage, but there is the possibility that an outage may
occur during this period.
If you are planning on uploading or entering any data during this time, we
advise you to complete your work before 10:00am AEDT.
Thank-you for your patience whilst this work is carried out.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 25/10/2017
October 25, 2017
PMHC MDS Update v0.17.2
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.17.2 was released on
October 25, 2017.
The following features have been implemented:
- Deletion of records via both the data entry interface and uploads.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the data entry
- Restricted the use of the ‘Complex Care Package’ Principal Focus of Treatment
Plan to the three selected Lead PHNs
- Fixed an issue where the Suicide Referral icon was showing on episode
summaries where the Suicide Referral Flag was set to ‘Unknown’
- Fixed an issue with the User Invite form where users could be invited to a
Provider Organisation with the Organisation Management role. This role is
restricted to PHN level.
- Added the Episode Key onto the Collection Occasion details/edit forms.
- Changed the sorting of Country of Birth and Main Language Spoken at Home so
that the top ten languages/country of births as reported in the 2011 census
are moved to the top of the list.
- The service contact postcode field is now prefilled with 9999 for all non
Face to Face modalities.
- Fixed an bug where the “Unknown” option was not being given for Suicide
Referral Flag.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the upload
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available at
Deleting records in the PMHC MDS
Deletion of:
- Clients
- Episodes
- Service Contacts
- Collection Occasions, and
- Practitioners
is now possible via both the data entry interface and uploads. Organisations
cannot be deleted. The upload specification has been updated to describe the
format for deleting records via uploads. It is available at
File format changes to accommodate deletion are backwards compatible with the
current format.
PMHC MDS outage on Tuesday 10 October 2017 - 6/10/2017
October 06, 2017
We will be performing urgent system maintenance on Tuesday 10 October between 6:30-7:30am AEDT.
As such, the PMHC MDS upload service will be unavailable sometime in the above period. Data Entry and Reporting functionality will still be available.
If you are planning on uploading any data during this time, we advise you to complete your work before 6:30am AEDT.
Thank-you for your patience whilst this maintenance is carried out.
Update to the PMHC MDS and system outage - 4/10/2017
October 04, 2017
PMHC MDS Update v0.16.2
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.16.2 was released on
October 4, 2017.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented:
- Fixed an issue where in some instances the upload error messages
were not reporting relevant record key
PMHC MDS System Outage
Due to a system problem this morning, users may have had issues accessing the
PMHC MDS site or with logging in. Our technicians have rectified the fault and
the system is back online.
Update to the PMHC MDS and Data Specifications - 26/9/2017
September 26, 2017
PMHC MDS Update v0.16.1
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.16.1 was released on
September 26, 2017.
The following features have been implemented:
- Redesigned the User Roles tab.
- Reports can now be downloaded as CSV.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented in the data entry
- Fixed an issue where after saving a K10+ outcome measure items 11, 12 and 13
were not saved.
- Fixed an issue where the Service Contact - Copayment field was not being
properly validated.
- Fixed an issue where users were able to view users at organisations for which
they did not have the User Management role.
- Fixed an issue where Service Contacts could be added after the Episode End Date.
- Fixed an issue where filtering on the Completion Status of an episode would
could the drop down filter to disappear.
- Uploads already fail with an error if Service Contact - Participants is
‘1: Individual client’ and Client Participation Indicator is not ‘1: Yes’.
This validation is now also enforced via the data entry interface.
- Fixed an issue where users with the Reporting role that are only associated
with a single organisation couldn’t run reports.
- Fixed an issue where the View Episodes table was not being updated after an
Episode had been edited.
- Fixed an issue when editing the Episode - Completion Status. Episode Open
was being represented as a blank option. If you selected a value for
Completion Status, the blank option would disappear. The blank option has
been removed and Episode Open is explicitly given as an option.
- Fixed an issue where a PHN would not be listed in the Upload drop down
unless at least one Provider Organisation had already been created for that PHN.
- Fixed an issue where inherited roles were not being indicated in the
‘Assigned Users’ tab.
- Fixed an issue where no warning was displayed if a postcode was longer than
4 digits.
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available at
PMHC MDS Data Specifications Update v1.0.11
We are also pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Data Specifications Update
v1.0.11 was released on September 25, 2017. The following updates have been
Deletion of records in the PMHC MDS
Please note that deletion of records is being planned for a future release.
Deletion will be possible via both the data entry interface and uploads.
In order to allow organisations and third party developers to plan for
allowing deletion in uploads we have released the planned specification.
It is available at Deleting records. File format changes to accommodate deletion are backwards compatible with the current format.
Update to the PMHC MDS Service Provider Quick Reference Guide - 22/9/2017
September 22, 2017
The PMHC MDS Service Provider Quick Reference Guide Version 1.2 was released on September 22, 2017
The PMHC MDS Service Provider QUICK REFERENCE Guide is a resource intended to describe key issues and concepts related to the collection of, and provision of data to, the PMHC MDS for mental health service providers. For more detailed information regarding the PMHC MDS, see the PMHC MDS Data Specifications.
There are two versions of the PMHC MDS Service Provider Quick Reference Guide. If you are a service provider, it is recommended that you use the PDF version produced by the Department of Health. If you are a Primary Health Network, you can use the word version to tailor some of the information to your local context.
Section 9 of the PMHC MDS Service Provider Quick Reference Guide has been updated to reflect that where the client consents, identifiable data can be passed onto PHNs but only anonymised data will be provided to the Department of Health.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 12/9/2017
September 12, 2017
PMHC MDS Update v0.15.3
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.15.3 was released on September 12, 2017.
he following updates and bugfixes have been implemented:<
- Fixed an issue where the ‘Successfully saved to clipboard’ message was not being displayed in the SLK tab.
- Fixed an issue where, after editing an episode, you remained on the ‘Edit Details’ tab instead of being taken to the ‘View Details’ tab.
- Allowed the use of 9998 for a postcode for Face to Face sessions that are NOT No Show’s.
- Fixed an issue where the number of announcements on the homepage was not being limited.
- Fixed an issue where an error message was not being returned for certain invalid date of births on the Client Data Entry form.
- Fixed an issue where the ATAPS service contact type was being shown for new service contacts, not just service contacts migrated from ATAPS.
- Fixed an issue where some users were seeing organisations in the ‘Select Organisation’ drop down on the ‘System Reports’ tab for which they did not have the ‘Reporting’ role.
- Fixed an issue where the date of uploads was not being correctly displayed.
- Fixed an issue where an error was not being shown for an invalid Practitioner Year of Birth.
- Removed the ‘Show test uploads’ checkbox from the upload page as this functionality is now provided by filtering the upload table.
- A message is now displayed if you try to add a service contact to an organisation that does not have any Practitioners.
- A message is now displayed if you try to add a client or practitioner when a PHN has not defined any Provider Organisations.
PMHC MDS outage on Sunday 3 September 2017
September 01, 2017
PMHC MDS outage on Sunday 3 September 2017
In addition to our regular system maintenance which occurs fortnightly on Wednesdays in the period 9:00pm-12:00pm AEST, we will be upgrading the database systems on Sunday at 8:00pm AEST.
As such, the PMHC MDS will be unavailable sometime in the period 8:00pm - 10:00pm AEST on Sunday 3 September, 2017.
If you are planning on using any of the data products during this time, we advise you to complete your work before 8:00pm AEST.
Thank-you for your patience whilst this maintenance is carried out.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 29/8/2017
August 29, 2017
PMHC MDS Update v0.15.2
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.15.2 was released on August 29, 2017.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented:
- Fixed an issue with the Date of Birth field in the SLK form displaying an error message when valid.
- Fixed an issue where edit role was not saving changes.
- Fixed an issue where in some instances the client search on the SLK was not returning all results.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 28/8/2017
August 28, 2017
PMHC MDS Update v0.15.1
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.15.1 was released on August 28, 2017.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented:
- Fixed an issue where in some instances upload error messages were not included in the notification email.
- New service contacts are no longer presented with the “ATAPS” option in the Service Contact - Type dropdown.
- Fixed an issue with dates not being displayed correctly in the upload summary listing.
- Fixed an issue with Practitioner Key dropdown not containing all available options when editing Service Contacts.
- The Date of Birth field in the SLK form will display an error message when invalid.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 25/8/2017
August 25, 2017
PMHC MDS Update v0.15.0
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.15.0 was released on August 25, 2017.
The following features have been implemented:
- An SLK generator within the client data entry forms has been implemented.
- Provider Organisations can now be uploaded.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented:
- Error messages have been made more descriptive.
- Items 11-13 of the K10+ have been changed from text input to drop down fields.
- Fields in the client data entry form have been reorganised to group related fields.
- Fields in the practitioner data entry form have been reorganised to group related fields.
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available at
PMHC MDS outage on Wednesday 30 August 2017
August 25, 2017
PMHC MDS outage on Wednesday 30 August 2017
In addition to our regular system maintenance which occurs fortnightly on Wednesdays in the period 9:00pm-12:00pm AEST, we will also be upgrading the database systems next Wednesday and as such our maintenance period will start an hour earlier at 8:00pm AEST.
As such, the PMHC MDS will be unavailable sometime in the period 8:00pm - 12:00pm AEST on Wednesday 30 August, 2017.
If you are planning on using any of the data products during this time, we advise you to complete your work before 8:00pm AEST.
Thank-you for your patience whilst this maintenance is carried out.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 28/7/2017
July 28, 2017
PMHC MDS Update v0.14.0
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.14.0 was released on July 28, 2017.
The following features have been implemented:
- A ‘Reporting’ tab has been added. Users who have been granted the ‘Reporting’ role will be able to see this tab.
- Category E - Reports for data managers to monitor data supply - have been implemented.
The following updates and bugfixes have been implemented:
- The ‘Data Extract’ tab has been moved to be a sub tab of the ‘Reporting’ tab.
- Client - Client Key - no longer editable.
- Client - Organisation Path - no longer editable.
- Service Contact - Practitioner - Only practitioners associated with the Provider Organisation responsible for providing the service to the client will be listed.
- Users should no longer be unexpectedly timed out.
The following upload errors have been fixed:
- Episodes without a referral date that have collection occasions with a measure date will no longer generate an error.
- K10+ and K5 collection occasions can now have both item scores and a total recorded, provided the item scores match the total. An error will be generated where the item scores and total do not match.
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available at
ATAPS MDS to PMHC MDS data mapping
The ATAPS MDS to PMHC MDS data mapping documentation at has been updated to show the mapping of ATAPS MDS diagnosis fields to PMHC Principal Diagnosis and Additional Diagnosis where two ATAPS diagnosis fields have been specified.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 21/7/2017
July 21, 2017
PMHC MDS Update v0.13.3
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.13.3 was released on July 21, 2017.
The following updates have been implemented:
- Validation has been changed on Episode - Source of Cash Income so that responses other than ‘0: N/A - Client aged less than 16 years’ can be used if a client is less than 16 years of age.
- Validation has been changed on Client - Proficiency in Spoken English so that responses other than ‘0: Not applicable (persons under 5 years of age or who speak only English)’ can be used if a client is less than 5 years of age or if they speak only English.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 20/7/2017
July 20, 2017
PMHC MDS Update v0.13.2
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.13.2 was released on July 20, 2017.
The following updates have been implemented:
- Users who have been granted the ‘Data Entry’ role can now add and edit K10+ and K5 information.
- The Upload tab has been made more responsive
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available at
Update to the PMHC MDS and Data Specifications - 11/7/2017
July 11, 2017
PMHC MDS Update v0.12.3
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.12.3 was released on July 11, 2017.
The following updates have been implemented:
- The ‘Client Data’ tab has been renamed ‘Data Entry’
- The Practitioners sub tab has been moved out of the Organisations tab and into the Data Entry tab. This resolves an issue where users who only had the ‘Data Entry’ role could not add/edit Practitioners.
PMHC MDS Data Specifications Update v1.0.10
We are also pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Data Specifications Update v1.0.10 was released on July 7, 2017.
The following data item has been added:
Update to the PMHC MDS and Data Specifications- 30/6/2017
June 30, 2017
PMHC MDS Update v0.12.0
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.12.0 was released on June 30, 2017.
The following functionality has been added:
- Client, Episode and Service Contact information can now be added and edited for users who have been granted the ‘Data Entry’ role.
PMHC MDS Data Specifications Update v1.0.9
We are also pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Data Specifications Update v1.0.9 was released on June 30, 2017.
The following data item has been added:
Release of the ATAPS MDS to PMHC MDS data mapping and update to the PMHC Data Specifications
June 26, 2017
Release of the ATAPS MDS to PMHC MDS data mapping
We are pleased to announce that the ATAPS MDS to PMHC MDS data mapping was released on June 26, 2017 and is now available at
PHNs who are implementing new client systems and mapping the ATAPS data to PMHC data need to ensure that their data mapping conforms with this mapping specification.
Please note: we are still in the process of investigating the mapping of ATAPS diagnoses fields to PMHC Principal Diagnosis and Additional Diagnosis fields where multiple ATAPS diagnosis fields have been selected. In order to allow PHNs to access this mapping in a timely manner we are releasing it without having finished this investigation. Further announcements will be made when this investigation is complete.
PMHC MDS Data Specifications Update v1.0.8
We are also pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Data Specifications Update v1.0.8 was released on June 26, 2017.
The following data items have been updated:
INFORMATION and ACTION: PHN CEO - Primary Mental Health Care Minimum Data Set Update
June 21, 2017
The below circular was sent to PHN CEOs on Tuesday 20 June 2017.
Dear PHN CEOs,
From 1 July 2017, PHNs are expected to be uploading data into the Primary Mental Health Care Minimum Data Set (PMHC MDS). The following provides CEOs an update on the transition to full compliance and the master client index.
Transition to Full Compliance
Previous communications have indicated that the existing Access to Allied Psychological Services (ATAPS) / Mental Health Services in Rural and Remote Areas (MHSRRA) MDS would be shut down when the PMHC MDS data entry interface was implemented. Due to difficulties in converting the data between the two systems, the ATAPS/MHSRA system will continue until further notice.
From 1 July 2017, full compliance with the PMHC MDS is still expected. However, this means all consenting clients referred for mental health services from 1 July 2017 have information entered into the PMHC MDS. Existing clients whose data has been entered into the ATAPS / MHSRRA MDS may continue to do so. However, new referrals should NOT be entered into the ATAPS / MHSRRA MDS from 1 July 2017.
Options for reporting and transferring active ATAPS referrals into the new PMHC MDS have been considered by the PMHC MDS Working Group and three options have been agreed for addressing the needs. Each PHN must choose only one option, their preferred option, of the three presented below.
Once selected, please have your PMHC MDS Data Primary User advise your preferred option to Strategic Data at by 1 July 2017. Strategic Data will then work with the PHN on their preferred option.
Option one
The ATAPS / MHSRRA MDS will be kept online for up to 12 months to allow for those existing client referrals already receiving services under the old ‘ATAPS’ system to be maintained until all sessions associated with that referral are complete.
This option requires PHNs and their organisations to work with two data collections, ie: The PMHC MDS for new clients / episodes commencing post 1 July 2017 and the old ATAPS system for existing clients who have not completed their treatment.
Option two
Strategic Data will provide the PHN an ATAPS MDS data extract in PMHC MDS upload format. The extract will contain ATAPS clients and their associated data where a client had an associated session in the last 12 months.
Note that, ATAPS does not associate clients with provider organisations, which is a structural element required for the PMHC MDS. Therefore, the organisation path in this extract will be empty and the PHN will need to assign each client to their correct provider organisation. Any other data which cannot be mapped from ATAPS to PMHC data definitions will be set as missing. Each record will have the ‘!ATAPS’ tag added so records exported from ATAPS can be identified in future analysis.
This option will require significant work by the PHN to assign provider organisations to each client and significant amounts of missing data on the migrated clients.
Option three
Where PHNs are implementing new clients systems, they may choose to map the ATAPS data to PMHC data and then upload to the PMHC MDS directly from their client system. PHNs choosing this option will be provided with specifications of the mapping of ATAPS to PMHC format being used to produce the ATAPS MDS data extract at option two. This option requires PHNs to follow this mapping format to provide consistency in mapped ATAPS data.
Master Client Index
The current PMHC MDS specification requires a Client Key that is unique and stable at the PHN regional level, not at the provider organisation level. The purpose of the Master Client Index is to help PHNs and their provider organisations manage client information across the PHN region. This requirement has proven problematic for PHNs and is being worked through by the PMHC MDS Working Group.
To determine what issues exist with managing the client key and possible solutions, nine PHNs worked with Strategic Data to describe their models for triaging patients, the information systems being used by PHNs and provider organisations, the ease of updating information systems and resources available for manual reconciliation of clients.
As a result of this work, a Master Client Index is not possible at this time, and as such, will not be a requirement for full compliance from 1 July 2017. The requirement will now be organisational uniqueness instead of regional level uniqueness until this can be addressed.
The PMHC Working Group agrees that the opportunity for national and regional level uniqueness is an aspiration and will continue to be investigated by the Department. The Department is currently looking into the use of Healthcare Identifiers and will provide you with updates as this work progresses.
If you have any further queries, please email:
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Mental Health Data and Funding Section
Mental Health Services Branch
Health Services Division
Department of Health
Update to the PMHC MDS Service Provider Quick Reference Guide - 19/6/2017
June 19, 2017
The PMHC MDS Service Provider Quick Reference Guide Version 1.1 was released on June 19, 2017
The PMHC MDS Service Provider QUICK REFERENCE Guide is a resource intended to describe key issues and concepts related to the collection of, and provision of data to, the PMHC MDS for mental health service providers. For more detailed information regarding the PMHC MDS, see the PMHC MDS Data Specifications.
There are two versions of the PMHC MDS Service Provider Quick Reference Guide. If you are a service provider, it is recommended that you use the PDF version produced by the Department of Health. If you are a Primary Health Network, you can use the word version to tailor some of the information to your local context.
The PMHC MDS Service Provider Quick Reference Guide has been updated to correct links to the PMHC MDS documentation.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 14/6/2017
June 14, 2017
We are pleased to announce that PMHC MDS Update v0.11.1 was released on June 14, 2017.
The following functionality has been added:
- Practitioner information can now be added and edited for users who have been granted the ‘Data Entry’ role.
- CSV uploads can now be contained within a folder in the zip file.
- The Episode Details tab now highlights when a referral is a Suicide Referral.
PMHC MDS Data Specifications Update v1.0.7 was released on June 14, 2017.
The following data items have been updated and should be used when a service contact is a ‘No Show’.
PMHC MDS Newsletter 2
May 31, 2017
Let's discuss PMHC MDS.
We are fast approaching the end of the financial year.
With Primary Health Networks (PHNs) now focused on new and existing contracts with Provider Organisations (PO) we want to further clarify the timelines and requirements for the PMHC MDS.
The Department is aware that 2016-17 is a transitional year however 2017-18 is expected to have comprehensive mental health services data collection.
Upload functionality has been available on the PMHC MDS since November 2016. All PHNs are expected to start uploading their data in preparation for 1 July 2017.
In the next few weeks, data entry will start to be rolled out in a staged process. Data entry will be available in the following order:
- Practitioners
- Clients
- Episodes
- Service Contacts
- K10+
- K5
Strategic Data have been working on the transitional development of an ATAPS data extract that will allow active ATAPS data to be exported to the PMHC MDS. More news on this process will be released soon.
If you aren't sure what your PHN should be doing to be prepared for 1 July, please contact
and we'll organise a time to discuss options that would best suit your circumstances.
Getting Started on the PMHC MDS
Service Provider Quick Reference Guide.
The PMHC MDS Service Provider Quick Reference Guide has been added to the PMHC MDS website.
The PMHC MDS Service Provider QUICK REFERENCE Guide is a resource intended to describe key issues and concepts related to the collection of, and provision of data to, the PMHC MDS for mental health service providers.
There are two versions of the PMHC MDS Service Provider Quick Reference Guide. If you are a service provider, it is recommended that you use the PDF version produced by the Department of Health. If you are a Primary Health Network, you can use the word version to tailor some of the information to your local context.
This guide has been added to the resources available on
Helpdesk's hottest tip
Data Consistency Requirements for Manual Upload of File/Worksheet
Data elements for each file/worksheet are defined at
Record Formats
and as outlined in
File Format Specifications
please note the following important points:
- All files must be internally consistent.
- An example of what this means is that for every row in the episode file/worksheet, there should be a corresponding client in the client file/worksheet.
- It also means that for every episode included in an upload file, you must include ALL service contacts and collection occasions for that episode. Any service contacts and collection occasions, for that episode, that are not included will be removed from the PMHC MDS. Please note: It is no longer true that service contacts and collection occasions that are not included will be removed. As of 25/10/2017 records are deleted according to the specifications at Deleting records.
What are the hot topics?
The PMHC MDS Helpdesk has had a few similar enquiries from various PHNs recently, and we thought it would be valuable to share these.
Specification Definitions
Each data item has associated notes that provide guidance on which response to use. By clicking on the Record Formats field name this will take you to the field definition which outlines the associated notes.
Client Consent
All data can be uploaded to the PMHC MDS, regardless of the consent flag. We have added more details to the Client consent information to explain how this data will be managed by the PMHC MDS -
First Uploads
Now is the right time for PHNs and Provider Organisations to be testing uploads. Start small and test how the system responds to ensure that you have the base file format fundamentals for the uploads file/worksheet. Once the initial small uploads are successful, you'll find it much easier to roll out the system from there. For Upload Specification information -
PHNs can request a 'Test' Organisation
If PHNs would like to set up a test organisation for initial upload tests with fictitious/test data, then PHNs can request one to be created on the separate Developers PMHC MDS. Just follow the instructions as outlined for software developers -
Client Key
We understand that PHNs are having difficulty with the requirement for there to be a stable and unique client key across their provider organisations. This is the problem that the Master Client Index (MCI) is being designed to help with.
Strategic Data have analysed the feedback from the one on one discussions with the volunteer PHNs, and passed this feedback onto The Department of Health. Options are currently being discussed. Once a decision has been reached it will be communicated to all PHNs.
Reporting timelines
The PMHC MDS won't remind users to upload data. PHNs will receive reporting dates from the Department. PHNs will need to manage within their own systems and remind Provider Organisations to upload if required. We have listed a minimum expectation for upload timelines on the PMHC documentation site -
ATAPS news list communication
The ATAPS mailing list will no longer receive messages from the evaluation team at The University of Melbourne reminding them to upload data. This has caused some recent confusion for current Provider Organisations who are reporting data to the old ATAPS MDS. It is the responsibility of PHNs to manage the data that is entered into the ATAPS MDS.
PMHC MDS Mailing List
PMHC MDS Mailing List Subscribers along will all PMHC MDS Users will receive release update and Department announcements.
When changes are made to the PMHC MDS we will send an alert via an email list. PMHC MDS users are automatically added to this list, however, sometimes other Primary Health Network or Provider Organisation staff who do not have accounts wish to be informed of updates.
These staff can email and request to be added to the PMHC MDS mailing list -
We also have a mailing list specifically for third-party developers. Again they can email and ask to be added to the developers mailing list -
What to expect next?
Let us delve into the developer's world - If you are game then we are too.
We understand you are all keen to hear more on what is currently in the development pipeline, and there are a lot of exciting features set with new releases to become a regular occurrence.
Since our last PMHC MDS Helpdesk News Bulletin we have developed and released:
Milestone Releases
From recent Helpdesk PHN enquiries and discussions, Strategic Data has been able to advocate that for PHNs the Data Entry interface is more important to them than the Outcome Measures Self Service Interface. The Department has approved this development priority change and Strategic Data resources have been moved accordingly.
In order to get Data Entry functionality to PHNs as soon as possible, development of this feature has been split into several components. The first of these, Viewing Client Data, was released in v0.9.2. As mentioned above, the remaining features will be rolled out iteratively over the coming weeks.
Next Milestone Releases will be:
- Practitioners Data Entry Interface
- Client Data Entry Interface
- Episode Data Entry Interface
- Service Contacts Data Entry Interface
- K5 and K10+ Outcome Measures Data Entry Interface
- SDQ Outcome Measures Data Entry Interface
- Online K5 and K10+ Outcome Measures Self-Service Interface
Reporting is still in the early stages of development. Initial reports will be designed to assist data managers monitor the data that has been uploaded/entered into the PMHC MDS.
Stage Two
Once data entry has been implemented we will continue to focus on the remaining Stage Two developments. Releases for these items will continue throughout this year.
Once more information is available, we will circulate more specific timelines. Please regularly check the announcements on the PMHC MDS home page to keep informed.
Who to contact?
A dedicated Help Desk is available to support Primary Health Networks and Provider Organisations implementing the PMHC in relation to the minimum data set system.
With Daylight Saving changes, the PMHC MDS Helpdesk is open from 10am - 6pm AEST.
We are continually trying to improve the user experience, and greatly appreciate your questions, feedback and suggestions. Please don't hesitate to drop us a line or two on
Useful Links
Update to the PMHC MDS - 26/5/2017
May 26, 2017
PMHC MDS Update v0.10.0 was released on May 26, 2017.
The following enhancements have been implemented:
The following upload errors have now been fixed:
- Uploads with zero length files are now reported correctly.
- Better error reporting for records that do not satisfy cross-table validation constraints.
PMHC MDS website update on May 26, 2017.
The PMHC MDS Service Provider Quick Reference Guide was added to the PMHC MDS website:
The PMHC MDS Service Provider QUICK REFERENCE Guide is a resource intended to describe key issues and concepts related to the collection of, and provision of data to, the PMHC MDS for mental health service providers. For more detailed information regarding the PMHC MDS, see the PMHC MDS Data Specifications.
There are two versions of the PMHC MDS Service Provider Quick Reference Guide. If you are a service provider, it is recommended that you use the PDF version produced by the Department of Health. If you are a Primary Health Network, you can use the word version to tailor some of the information to your local context.
Update to the PMHC MDS and Data Specifications - 18/5/2017
May 18, 2017
PMHC MDS Update v0.9.2 was released on May 18, 2017.
The following functionality has been added:
- The ‘Data Entry’ role has been added.
- A ‘Client Data’ tab is now available for users who have been granted the ‘Data Entry’ role.
- Client data can now be searched and viewed.
- Episode/Service Contact/Collection Occasion and Practitioner information can now be viewed.
Users who have already been granted the ‘User Management’ role have automatically been granted the ‘Data Entry’ role. These users will need to login to the PMHC MDS and grant the ‘Data Entry’ role to any other users that should be able to view and in the future, modify data.
PMHC MDS Data Specifications Update v1.0.6 was released on May 18, 2017.
This update includes the following changes:
Update to the PMHC MDS Data Specifications - 1/5/2017
May 01, 2017
PMHC MDS Data Specifications Update v1.0.5 was released on May 1, 2017.
This update includes the following changes:
- Episode - Added more description to Episode - Client Consent to Anonymised Data
- Service Contact - Changed wording of Service Contact - No Show to specify ‘intended participant(s)’ instead of ‘client’
- Outcome Collection Occasion - K10+ updated reference to Q11-14 ‘missing’ replacing ‘not applicable’
Master Client Index Volunteer Request - 29/3/2017
March 29, 2017
Stage 2 development of the Primary Mental Health Care Minimum Dataset (PMHC MDS) is currently underway. A requirement of the PMHC MDS is that a client key must be unique within each Primary Health Network (PHN) independent of the treating organisation. It is the responsibility of PHNs and Provider Organisations to co-ordinate to maintain this identifier. Clients should not be assigned multiple keys within the same PHN.
In order to help maintain the client key, a component of Stage 2 is to develop a Master Client Index (MCI). It is envisaged that Provider Organisations will be able to access the MCI in order to locate existing clients at other Provider Organisations with the same PHN and match the client key, or create a new client if the client does not yet exist in the MCI.
In order to ensure that the MCI meets the needs of PHNs and Provider Organisations we would like to discuss the requirements with a volunteer group of PHNs and their Provider Organisations. These discussions would take the form of teleconferences and possibly one on one phone calls.
Organisations who are willing to volunteer are requested to email by 7 April 2017.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 15/3/2017
March 15, 2017
PMHC MDS Update v0.8.1 was released on March 15, 2017.
The following functionality has been added:
- Organisations have been limited to two levels - Primary Health Networks and Provider Organisations.
- Organisations can now be made inactive
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available at
PMHC MDS Newsletter 1
March 08, 2017
Let's discuss PMHC MDS.
The Primary Mental Health Care Minimum Data Set (PMHC MDS) is live and ready for you to use in a way that best suits your organisation.
With Primary Health Networks (PHNs) well underway to understanding how they will manage the PMHC MDS and developing best practice principles around collecting data, it is always a good opportunity to revisit the big picture discussion points. We have
listed these on
Getting Started on the PMHC MDS.
If you need a bit of inspiration or just want to ensure that you are on the right track with rolling out the PMHC MDS, please feel free to send the PMHC MDS Helpdesk an email on to organise a time to chat further with us to answer any lingering question you may have. We are here to help make this transition
as seamless as possible and it is also a great opportunity for us to understand what could be causing obstacles to PHNs.
Helpdesk's hottest tip.
Inform new users of the PMHC MDS invitation process
To avoid the invitation email and/or SMS token being deleted, it is always best to notify a user that you will be sending them a PMHC MDS invitation. Inform them that they will receive an invitation by email from and a verification
code via SMS. Please also provide them with the link to the online
User Guide to read the steps they will need to complete to
Accept an invitation to become a PMHC MDS User.
What are the hot topics?
The PMHC MDS Helpdesk has had a few similar enquiries from various PHNs recently, and we thought it would be valuable to share these.
MHNIPS data collection
The Department of Health is expecting all commissioned Mental Health Nursing services data from July 2016 to be entered into the PMHC MDS -
Capturing additional data
Organisations may collect extra information for their own analysis however this information does not need to be submitted to the PMHC MDS -
Fictitious data testing
The MDS is live and data uploads will be recorded. Real PMHC data can be trialled by
uploading in test mode, whereas fictitious
data should be trialled with a 'Test Organisation' on -
Assignment of unique keys
PHNs have raised a number of queries about the assignment of unique keys.
- Visit Identifier Management under Data Specifications -
- We have also dedicated a section on the FAQs page -
Personal mobile phones
If a user is uneasy with providing their personal mobile phone number, please assure them that this mobile is only used by the PMHC MDS profile management system to deliver the verification code via SMS. This is used to activate their profile, reset their
password or if a password is forgotten or expires. Users' mobile phone numbers are not listed or able to be viewed by other users within the PMHC MDS -
Invitation failed error - An outstanding PMHC MDS invite exists
An invitation will be valid for 7 days and you can not resend an invitation within this time whilst a token is still valid.
- If this user didn't receive the email invitation, ask them to double check their junk mail folder and search for an email sent from Otherwise they should contact the helpdesk on
- If this user didn't receive or deleted the email invitation or the SMS token, ask them to contact the helpdesk on as we can reissue it.
- If the user has incorrectly entered their token after several attempts, this will cause the previous token to be invalid, then you will no longer receive this message and the invitation will be able to be resent
We would like to know you better!
How many commissioned provider organisations do you have?
What to expect next?
Let us delve into the developer's world - If you are game then we are too.
Now that you have had the opportunity to see the basic PMHC MDS in the December training sessions, I'm sure you are all keen to hear more on what is currently in the development pipeline, and there are a lot of exciting features currently consuming our
developers' time.
The below milestones have been set with new releases to become a regular occurrence. Some features may be a lot of work for a back end developer but will offer minimal visual impact to the current user interface, others will have a significant change
to the look and will streamline user functionality, or to provide additional and much awaited tools to the website.
Next Milestone Releases will be:
- Limit organisation structure to two levels
- View Client Data
- Online K5 client/practitioner tool
- Basic Summary Reports
- Online K10+ and SDQ client/practitioner tools
Our long term goal is still focussed on Stage Two release. As the Department has previously announced, it is scheduled for mid 2017 and will feature:
- Data Entry Interface
- Comprehensive Reports
- Master Client Index
We are continually trying to improve the user experience, and greatly appreciate your questions, feedback and suggestions, so please don't hesitate to drop us a line or two at
Who to contact?
A dedicated PMHC MDS Helpdesk has been developed to be your first point of call for anything related to the PMHC MDS so please don't feel afraid to reach out and contact us.
We are ready and eager to help you with any general enquiries, to discuss the specification requirements, to assist you to get a better understanding of what is next and to host training on how to use the PMHC MDS. We are more than happy to organise meetings
with you to guide you with heading in the right direction and to ensure that you have a best practice approach within your PHN and commissioned service providers. The Helpdesk will provide support to any current and future PHN or commissioned
service provider PMHC MDS user, third party developers, and data analysts.
If we don't know the answer to a question, we will go out of our way to find the answer for you. We aim to be more than just another technical data focused helpdesk.
The PMHC MDS Helpdesk is open from 9am - 6pm AEDT and we are only ever an email away -
Useful Links
Update to the PMHC MDS - 24/2/2017
February 24, 2017
PMHC MDS Update v0.7.5 was released on February 24, 2017.
The following functionality has been added:
- The ‘Reporting’ role has been added.
- A ‘Data Extraction’ tab is now available for users who have been granted the ‘Reporting’ role.
Data extraction allows users to select a Primary Health Network or Provider Organisation and a date range to download the data contained in the PMHC MDS for the criteria selected. The downloaded data conforms to the upload specification.
Users who have already been granted the ‘User Management’ role have automatically been granted the ‘Reporting’ role. These users will need to login to the PMHC MDS and grant the ‘Reporting’ role to any other users that should be able to download data.
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available at
Separate PMHC MDS now available for software developers to test upload files - 17/2/2017
February 17, 2017
A new instance of the PMHC MDS is now available for third party software developers to test their upload files. This instance is available at
In order to obtain an account on developers will need to email a Letter of Authority on their company’s letterhead containing the following details:
- The name of the person the account is for
- The email address of the person
- Contact telephone number
- Mobile phone number
- Request access to the ‘Test [Your Company Name]’ Organisation
Please note that real data should not be uploaded to It is being provided for testing purposes only.
PHN’s and their provider organisations are encouraged to forward this announcement onto any relevant third-party software developers.
Update to the PMHC MDS and Data Specifications - 10/2/2017
February 10, 2017
PMHC MDS Update v0.6.1 was released on February 10, 2017.
The following functionality has been added:
- Sub tabs have been added to each of the ‘Organisations’, ‘Users’ and ‘Upload’ tabs in order to group information in a more user friendly manner.
- Uploads can now include a value of 9 - Missing/Not stated for Episode - Homelessness
The user guide has been updated to reflect these updates. It is available at
PMHC MDS Data Specifications Update v1.0.4 was released on February 10, 2017.
The updates includes the following changes:
- Updated the data model diagram to explicitly show Primary Health Network Organisations and Provider Organisations
- Added more description to Organisation Path for Client, Episode, Service Contact, Collection Occasion and Practitioner records
- Episode - Homelessness Flag updated to include missing/not stated value of 9
The Department of Health’s ‘Department response to issues raised by PHNs’ document has now been incorporated into the online Frequently Asked Questions section at Answers to questions will be added there. The existing PDF will no longer be maintained and will be removed from the website.
Update to the PMHC MDS - 30/12/2016
December 30, 2016
PMHC MDS Update v0.5.3 was released on December 30, 2016.
The following functionality has been added:
- The Organisations tab has been restructured so that only top level organisations are shown in the table on the Organisation tab. Suborganisations are now shown in their own table on the details page of their parent organisation.
- A Test Mode has been added for uploads. If you select the ‘Upload as test data’ checkbox on the Uploads tab, your data will be verified but the PMHC MDS database will not be updated.
- A ‘Status of Previous Uploads’ table has been added to the Uploads tab. This allows you to view the status of uploads through your web browser instead of having to rely on the generated emails. You are also able to download the original file associated with each upload.
- Multiple organisations can now be included in the one upload.
The user guide has been updated to reflect these roles, available at
The PMHC MDS team would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year.
PMHC MDS Resources Documentation update - 16/12/2016
December 16, 2016
The documentation at has been updated.
The following documents have been updated:
The following documents are now available:
Update to the PMHC MDS - 29/11/2016
November 29, 2016
PMHC MDS Update v0.4.2 was released on November 29, 2016.
The ‘User Management’ role has been split with a new role ‘Organisation Management’ being created. Primary Contact users have had the ‘Organisation Management’ role added to their account.
The ‘User Management’ role now only allows a user to invite new users to use the PMHC MDS and also manage the roles that the user has. It no longer allows you to manage provider organisations.
The ‘Organisation Management’ role allows a user to add and manage provider organisations.
The Primary Contact user will need to provide any other users at their organisations with the ‘Organisation Management’ role if appropriate.
The user guide has been updated to reflect these roles, available at
UPDATE regarding the Primary Mental Health Care Minimum Data Set - Request for nominations to be early adopters
October 14, 2016
The below circular was sent to PHN CEOs on Friday 14 October 2016.
The Primary Mental Health Care Minimum Data Set (PMHC MDS) will be available for all Primary Health Networks (PHNs) to commence uploading data in early December. Prior to this we are looking for between 5 and 10 PHNs to volunteer as early adopters. These PHNs will commence upload from the 7th of November, and help us to streamline the system prior to making it available to all PHNs from the beginning of December.
We would like some of the early adopters to be uploading zipped csv files and some to be uploading Excel spreadsheets. They will need to be willing to provide feedback on the process used to give the primary contact user access to the system, the usability of the system, and the documentation and training.
Benefits of moving to the PMHC include:
- Early access to features which are not included in the ATAPS/MHSRRA MDS:
- Partitioning of provider organisations within a PHN so that provider organisations can only access their own data.
- Delegation of user management to each provider organisation.
- Reduced data collection burden due to not needing to collect data items that have been retired from the ATAPS/MHSRRA MDS.
Please email by Friday the 28th of October, 2016 if you would like to volunteer. PHNs who have been selected to be early adopters will be notified on Wednesday the 2nd of November, 2016.
Additionally there are still a few PHNs who have not yet submitted a ‘Letter of Authority’ it would be appreciated if you could address this as a matter of priority. If you are unsure we will be following up with individual PHN’s in the next two weeks.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Mental Health Data and Funding Section
Mental Health Services Branch
Health Services Division
Department of Health
Update to the PMHC MDS Data Specifications - 6/10/2016
October 13, 2016
PMHC MDS Data Specifications Update v1.0.1 was released on October 6, 2016.
This update includes the following changes:
Primary Mental Health Care Minimum Data Set Circular
September 28, 2016
Dear PMHC MDS Reference Group,
Please find attached the Primary Mental Health Care Minimum Data Set (PMHC MDS) Circular, that was sent to PHN CEOs on Thursday 23 September 2016. This circular provides advice on the commencement and implementation arrangements for the PMHC MDS. This circular will also be available through the PHN website soon, at the following link: Open URL.
Mental Health Data and Funding Section
Mental Health Services Branch
Health Services Division
Department of Health